Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Valentine's Day Story

Sushi Love

Toro and Tamago...
Side by side...   
One fatty tuna wearing his sexy tie!
And one good egg wearing her yellow!

Adventures galore
For this gallivanting couple
In seaweed infested waters. 
Where are they off to next?
Will they go house hunting?

Toro likes to do the couch potato
Watching episodes of hoarders
Catching glimpses of soiled diapers
While eating bread slathered in butter.
Me thinks he needs an intervention!

Tamago likes life on the run!
She hangs out with Toro
And her gal pals too!
Sometimes she gets creative
And works on her projects.

How will this Valentine's story end?
Will this couple decide to
Get together for now,
Forever and Always?
Hmm...  St Patrick's Day is coming up!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

If you do then you will know what "toro" and "tamago" mean.  This was a funny poem I wrote about someone I was going out with once.  This poem is dedicated to "Toro."  It's funny how anything in life can become a poem.  Just a twist of fate or a play on words...