Monday, June 29, 2015

A Poetic Love Story

Two Ships Passing

Boy sees girl.
Girl notices boy.
Boy wants to meet girl.
Girl is oblivious.
Boy meets girl.
Girl is still oblivious.
Boy is funny.
Girl laughs.
Boy is oblivious.
Girl notices boy is funny.
Boy and girl share a moment.
Girl has to go.
Boy is looking at other girls.
Girl is wondering if boy met someone else.
Boy is doing his own thing.  
Girl is wondering what the boy is thinking.
Boy is still oblivious.
Girl sends boy an email.
Boy never responds.
Girl is thinking there must be other boys out there who are not oblivious.
Boy is so totally oblivious.
Girl is thinking of meeting a cowboy instead.
Boy has no idea.
Girl begins playing the field.
And so...
Two ships pass each other oblivious...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

My friends and I talk about this often.  Why is it that guys act like they are interested in you and then never contact you?  Or better yet, they hover and share your space yet never talk to you?  Or the guys that talk to you but then end up walking into a wall?  Guys are very hard to figure out sometime!

Saturday, June 27, 2015



I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:  my God; in him will I trust.

A friend of mine recently recommended this Psalm to me and I thought it was great for much needed protection in this day and age.  Maybe it will help you too!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Lazy Haiku

Log Bump

A bump on a log
sitting watching TV too
too much still a lump.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

There are people in life that watch TV and people in life that are the ones being watched.  I like to watch TV here and there to relax but there have been times in my life that I hardly watch TV at all because I get too busy.  Hope you have to time to relax today in the hurry scurry of our busy world.

Monday, June 22, 2015

George Eliot

What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life--to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?”

I came across this quote today and thought about the connection between two human souls.  This is why people get married or don't get married, isn't it?  However not everyone marries for the right reason.  And love is not a reason to get married according to some people.  Do you know why?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Monsoon Haiku

Rainy Day

Drip... drip... drop... drop... drip...
Wet, very wet, more wet, too wet...
Raining cats and dogs.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

So I woke up this morning to rain:  Lots of it.  Which is really odd since it's June and not April.  Where was all this rain in April?  I know we had rain but not this much rain!  Enjoy your rainy Saturday morning!  I always think that rainy days weren't meant to be curled up around a good book.

Friday, June 19, 2015


"It's impossible, said pride.  It's risky, said experience.  It's pointless, says reason.  Give it a try, whispered the heart.  

Sometimes it seems some of our best quotes are the ones that are anonymous.  Now why is that? 

Enjoy your weekend!

Bill Wilson

"To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world."

I have this quote hanging on my kitchen wall.  We go about our daily lives not really wondering if we're making a difference in someone else's life but for some of us we make more of an impact than we realize.  It's true that to some people you encounter in life, you are that one person that made a difference to them so don't think that you don't matter because you do.  We all need each other whether we realize it or not.  

Friday, June 12, 2015

Deborah Garrison

Worked Late on a Tuesday Night

Midtown is blasted out and silent,
drained of the crowd and its doggy day.
I trample the scraps of deli lunches
some ate outdoors as they stared dumbly
or hooted at us career girls—the haggard
beauties, the vivid can-dos, open raincoats aflap
in the March wind as we crossed to and fro
in front of the Public Library.
Never thought you'd be one of them,
did you, little Lady?
Little Miss Phi Beta Kappa,
with your closetful of pleated
skirts, twenty-nine till death do us
part! Don't you see?
The good schoolgirl turns thirty,
forty, singing the song of time management
all day long, lugging the briefcase
home. So at 10:00 PM
you're standing here
with your hand in the air,
cold but too stubborn to reach
into your pocket for a glove, cursing
the freezing rain as though it were
your difficulty. It's pathetic,
and nobody's fault but
your own. Now
the tears,
down into the collar.
Cabs, cabs, but none for hire.
I haven't had dinner; I'm not half
of what I meant to be.
Among other things, the mother
of three. Too tired, tonight,
to seduce the father.
And so it goes.  That never ending rat race that many of us are on or were at one time or another.  I discovered this poem in a poetry class.  Gotta keep those creative juices flowing!  

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Man Beyond the Mask

A Man Shadowed

I beguile you!
And you beguile me!
A man shadowed
by a mysterious past.

A man beyond
but wanting love

Yet not finding.

Till one day seeing
death is near.
Realization occurs
that love and redemption

Can Not be earned.

Only freely given.
And in that moment
he is humbled
beyond belief.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I recently watched this movie with a couple of friends.  A friend of mine had wanted to do a movie night as part of her birthday month.  We absolutely loved this movie.  This poem was inspired by the "highway man" portrayed in this historical film.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mix & Mingle

How Do You Do?

Ever been to a 
party mixer?
Where you get to meet 
a thousand people?

Do you know what it's like 
to plan for a party like that?  
Putting up balloons and saying good-bye 
to the prodigal that floats to the ceiling?

Or chopping up celery 
and peppers while arranging 
broccoli and cauliflower
and tomatoes too?  

Helping to decorate 
and kidding around
all just because we
want to celebrate...

With a thousand people around!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

This poem was inspired by the people that helped decorate for an upcoming party.  We had a lot of fun kidding around and prepping for this main event.  If you're in the area, you should check it out.

A Coat of Many Colors

Joseph's Provocation

When Joseph
was a young boy
he had these
vivid dreams.

In his dream
he was surrounded
by bowing sheaves
that honored him.

Another dream
yet again surrounded
by the stars,
the sun, and moon.
And all bowed down to him
causing others to remove
themselves for being so ridiculous!
Exactly who did he think he was?

Just someone that God favored
because he fit his plan
of helping his whole family
when famine struck the land.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

There is so much historical content to be found in Genesis.  Have you ever read any of it?  It's interesting to note how things happened as they happened the way they happened.