Saturday, August 31, 2019

John Wesley

Wesley to Wilberforce

"Unless the divine power has raised you up to be as “Athanasius against the world,” I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in opposing that execrable villainy, which is the scandal of religion, of England, and of human nature. Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them stronger than God? O be not weary of well-doing! Go on, in the name of God and in the power of His might, till even American slavery (the vilest that ever saw the sun) shall vanish away before it."

We fight for what we believe in...  Any agenda that is more important than protecting the little children of this world is not an agenda that is worth anything.  First and foremost our children come first.  A good parent will always fight for their child and want what's best for them.  A bad parent will expose a child to the most vilest of experiences.  If your agenda is more important than that of a child's mental, emotional, and physical well-being then you are doing nothing more than exploiting that child for your own agenda.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019



"But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."

What is going on with our world?  We live in a world where children are being exposed to things that little children shouldn't be exposed to.  Since when was it acceptable to teach kids about "certain topics?"  Don't you wonder what is going on in the minds of the people that think that this is okay to do?  Why not just murder someone in front of a child?  There are so many murderers out there that that must mean it must be okay to do.  Right?  That's what the logic is...  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Levi Lusko

I Declare War

If you are in a season of self-improvement then this might be a good time to read this book...  None of us are perfect and we all need to improve ourselves at some point or another or maybe all the time...

One area that we may need to improve on is our words...  What kind of words do we use?  I think we all can admit that sometimes we do swear...  Do you?  Admit it!  Usually it happens behind the wheel of a car...  Right?  Shhh...  We don't want to admit it but we are all human... 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Dr Frankenstein...

I Presume!

The Hippocratic Oath
says to do no HARM!
Yet doctors out there
say that pursuing
additional treatment
is wrong
based on a personal opinion
because your child
shouldn't have this treatment.
Who are you to judge?
Are you a doctor playing God?
The most infamous person
on the face of this earth
who believed
what you believed
is Hitler himself.
You good doctor
have no right to say
what can and can't be done.
As you seem to be Hitler
in disguise!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

A doctor is not supposed to do harm however I was in a situation once where I had to be examined for an injury.  I went to multiple doctors.  All of who gave me separate opinions.  So you know what I found out?  That every doctor is different:  Each doctor has had a different learning curve...  Each doctor has had different clinical experiences...  Each doctor has a set of beliefs that they go by...  And each doctor has a set of prejudices that determine their decisions...

Remember the Anti-Semitic doctor that tweeted she WOULD DO HARM to Jewish patients?  This person has no right being a doctor!  However she tweeted that publicly...  What about all the doctors that treat you that don't say it to your face but think it because they simply don't like you?  Now I am very careful about the doctors I choose and I make sure to have the best doctors because when all and said and done a doctor is a human being.  A doctor is not God!  God is God and don't your forget it!

Please Note:  There are a lot of good doctors out there but there are some that are not... 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

C S Lewis

“Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man ... It is comparison that makes you proud.”

Poison will kill you or make your life very miserable...  We are very careful around poison ivy and yet there are people out there that are dangerous too.  People who are jealous, envious, and full of strife...  An envious friend is not a real friend...  You know that, don't you?  They will be so nice to your face but will stab you in the back...  I like WYSIWYG better because "what you see is what you get."  Some people are rough around the edges but if they don't like you then you know they don't like you but beware of Judas who betrayed Jesus with a kiss.  The person who is nicest to you could be your worst enemy of all.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Lonely

Oh So Lonely

Are you desperate?
As I said before...
and I will say it again...
"Hi" is not a pick up line.

Asking an opinion,
saying "Hello,"
being friendly
is simply that...

I don't really know you
and you don't really know me
and yet you think
there is something between us?

There is nothing between.
I hardly talk to you.
I try not to look at you.
And yet you think...

Why me?
Find someone else...
Not me!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

My friends and I discuss the guys we meet...  It doesn't matter if a woman is married, dating someone, or single...  Desperation is something that makes people stay away...  Unless you are desperate too...  And I know it goes both ways...  The hunter sometimes exchanges places with the hunted...  The domino effect...

Some people are nice simply because they are but that doesn't mean that they want to date you...  Or marry you...  I recently had someone tell me he was moving away but I was like "so what" because it didn't really affect me at all:  A relationship should be mutual and the attraction has to be mutual.  You should never date a wolf in sheep's clothing...  And there are many out there...  They come across as "nice people" but they are manipulative and conniving...  Be wise!  Be careful!  Be cautious!

For instance, a guy takes a picture of you and then shows everyone saying he is dating you which is not true.  But because a guy has an ego he will fabricate a fantasy inside his head and tell people that he is dating you and that you do all these things for him when in fact you have not.  Usually if a guy is talking about it, it's because he never got anything...  Do you realize how many people will do stuff like that?  Just because...  guys have told me...

This is a good rule of thumb...  Trust your gut!  If the person makes you depressed or angry then he is probably not the right person for you.  We live in a day and age that many men and women play games to get what they want.  Beware!  Different people bring out different parts of you.  You want someone that will make you a better person.  But again!  It has to be mutual...  Is someone makes you a better person but you make them turn into a raging lunatic then it is probably not a good fit either...  Know what I mean?

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sarah Tate

Web of Lies:  My Life with a Narcissist

The person you marry will make or break you...  You need to be very cautious who you end up with...  Some people marry in haste, some people take their time, some people are delusional, and some people...  well...  they may be blackmailed...  What do you do when you see someone you care about at the hands of a narcissist?  You see the big picture and yet they are so far in over their heads that they simply won't admit the truth...  of the person they married...

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Narcissist

I Love Myself

"Who is the fairest of them all?"
Remember Snow White's
wicked stepmother?
She would look
into her mirror
daily and hope that she
was the fairest in the land.
No one could be fairer.
No other...
No child...
No other...
And when someone fairer
was more fairer than she
she sought to kill her rival.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Remember the wicked stepmother queen from Snow White?  There are people like this.  Many people that love themselves more...  Than others...  They lie, they cheat, they deceive...  They gaslight and play mind games...  They are narcissists...  Remember the first?  In Greek Mythology?  They say that if you are married to a narcissist it is like being married to a demon

What does it mean if a person you have dreams about is portrayed as a demon?  Why is the mother of a son always portrayed as the demon?  She is a truly evil enigma...  intending harm to her son...  and husband...

Monday, August 5, 2019

The Man...

With the Roving Eye

Why is it that
some people
when they
look at you
don't look you
in the eye
as much as
let their eyes
roam over you?

when a man
does this
it's pretty transparent
where his mind
is taking him.
If you notice it
others notice it.

Sometimes he
does this to everyone.
And sometimes
it's just you.
What he doesn't
know is that
eyes are windows
to the soul.

Anyone you
hang out with
you notice
when their eyes wander.
You wonder...
What are they
thinking of?
You wonder why...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Eyes truly are windows to the soul...  Some people have peaceful happy souls and some people have ugly bitter souls...  However it's true you do notice people and where they look.  Sometimes you look at someone because they are attractive and sometimes because they are not... Some people people watch but some people lust...  When someone looks at you that you don't like, it just ends up feeling creepy.  Unfortunately married men look...  I have met a number of guys that truly are gentlemen and nice guys but then there are those that are just not...