Friday, September 29, 2017


Being Genuine

I'm me...
exactly the way I am...
I'm me...
in my words...
I'm me...
in my actions...
I'm me...
Who are you?
If you're not me?
Am I like you?
Are you like me?
You, me,
me, you...
I'm me...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Are there days when you wonder who you are?  Some things are fleeting like looks and getting older...  Some things are a part of you always,:  Your personality, your character, your integrity...  If you don't like yourself than change yourself.  If you like yourself then you are one step ahead because no one can like you if you don't like you.  Sometimes it amazes me that people do what they do and say what they say.


Wind Beneath

My Wings

Falling Behind

Catching Up

Life is a series
of ups and downs.
Sometimes you swim
with the current and
sometimes you swim
against it.
Sometimes the
unexpected happens
that throws you
into a tailspin.
Do you recover
or do you give up?
Life is what
you make it.
Make lemonade
out of lemons.
Sip, sip, sip...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poet

Sometimes you never know what life is going to throw at you.  You either adjust to the new normal or you give up.  Try not to give up.  Sometimes your greatest success comes right behind your greatest failure.  And sometimes the people that don't want to see you succeed by their very actions push you towards success.  Odd don't you think?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank

Have you ever heard of Anne Frank and what she endured during the Nazi regime?  Anne's desire to be a writer was realized after her death as a teenager in a German concentration camp.  Do you know that there are people in the world who do not believe that the holocaust ever happened?  Ironically my landlord was a holocaust survivor.  He has since passed on but he would go to the local schools and share his story.  He had a tattoo like the other survivors. 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Jane Hyun

Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling

Every culture that has come to America has had to deal with being the outsider on some level:  Not always so easily I might add.  What's the difference between a melting pot as opposed to a salad bowl?  Being different doesn't mean better than or lesser than.  It's just means you're different. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Time Tanka

Life Goes On

Day by day, time flies
when we're having fun so
they say but fun is
what we make it as time goes
quickly through the hourglass.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Hope you are making the most of your time.  Time is flying by don't you think?  And there is so much happening in our world day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute.  Do you make wise decisions?  Or do your past mistakes rise up to haunt you?  Sometimes one important decision could be the difference between life and death.  

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Robert Wyland

"The world's finest wilderness lies beneath the waves..."

Too true!  There is a vast wilderness beneath the waves.  Oceans cover most of the earth right now.  What would it be like to have no oceans?  Oceans are revered but also feared.  They hold so many creatures and mysteries within their depths.  Robert Wyland has an Ocean Challenge:  Check out his Whaling Walls

Sunshine Brightens

And Warms the Soul!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Jim Carrey

"A sunshower always feels like a miracle to me.  It symbolizes the dark and the light, the beauty and the pain of existence, the cleansing purification that brings you to a greater appreciation of the life-giving sun."

Jim Carrey, the actor, is now the painter and poet.  Evidently he began as a creative artist before he became an actor.  I was looking at his paintings recently.  There is one called Electric Jesus.  If you have an opportunity to listen to his video then you will find out about the background for this painting.