Friday, April 28, 2017

Think Outside the Box

Live Outside the Box

Daily living
includes working
in a cube
slaving away
to live a life
you think
worth living.
But is it
worth living?
Or is it
a slow death
your health
and elevating
your blood pressure?
Money doesn't
make you happy.
It can't...
It's not alive.
It can't love you.
Where do
you spend
your time?
That is where
your heart is...
What do you see
inside your heart?
Does it make
you sad?
Or does it make
you glad?
Tick tock...
Tick tock...
Life is going,
going, gone!
So soon!
Don't regret

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Sometimes in life circumstances change your life that make you look at life differently.  I had worked for years at a place that never really resonated with me due to the petty and dysfunctional behavior found in that corporate culture.  Now my life looks very different but I don't have trouble sleeping or living my life and I get to do things I want to do.

I remember thinking when I was younger why should I wait till I retire to do all the things I want to do because by then I would be too old and possibly decrepit, you never know?  Right?  Or I might die before retirement...  So I traveled and worked in different places and got to experience life in different parts of the country and meet people from other places as well.  I feel that the more people you meet the more your outlook broadens.

Looking back now on that part of my life I am glad that I got to travel and do those things when I was younger because I have my memories to look back on and I got to travel in my younger days with my younger self.  What surprises me now is that being older I can still do a lot but my outlook is different.  You think as you get older you slow down and begin to fall apart and sometimes you can't do the things you want to do but then you realize that you still got it.  And you have all that experience behind you now.  I'm sure financial planners look at my life and freak out because for me safety and security is living one day at a time.  God has brought me thus far so I feel I am in good hands.  You know?



Thursday, April 27, 2017

John Ortberg

All The Places To Go

So are you happy where you are or do you feel like you're in a rut of your own making?  Is your spirit feeling restless?  Are you on the edge of a divine opportunity?  Will you go through the open door or will you opt not to do it?  You have free will...  You can do whatever you want to...  You decide...

I think that the author makes a good point that as you get older you will regret more the things you didn't get to do rather than the things you did.   We all do stupid stuff and have to live with those regrets but they pale in comparison to the open doors we did not go through or the things we said no to.  Go where you are being led.  You have only one life to live and when you look back on your life don't see regret.  Live each day to the fullest!  You won't regret it!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Prayer of Jabez

1 Chronicles 4:10

"And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested."

What exactly does this mean?  That God answers prayer if we ask.  Granted, God can always say no but he can also say yes.  Just ask...

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Politically Incorrect

What does it mean
to be political?
What does it mean
to be a politician?
Do you have a heart?
Do you have a brain?
No?  Then you're off
to see the wizard...
You might meet
the tinman
or the scarecrow
because they have
a heart and a brain now.
What is a politician
but someone who
panders and caters
to their supporters
based on the money
they receive.
Do what's right
because you know it's right
not because of the money
in your pocket.
You have the power
to bring about positive change.
You can do something
and be remembered
throughout history
like Abraham Lincoln
or you can become dust.
Nothing but dust.
Forever trampled on
and despised
for not doing your job.
Just dying in the dust...
Don't be a puppet!
Get some backbone!
Get over your flakiness!
Support your leader!
Make America Great Again!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I was listening to the radio this morning and was listening to Dan Celia speaking about the lack of action from our Congress.  Shaking my head!  What are you politicians in office doing?  Taking recesses like school children?  Are you eating your milk and cookies too?  I sincerely hope that you are not indulging in affairs as some of you have already been publicly outed to be doing.    President Trump if you are out there then you need to meet this man and sooner rather than later.  He says to trust your instincts and don't listen to the politicians surrounding you...

Friday, April 21, 2017

Viviana Garofoli

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Remember playing this game when you were a kid?  Sometimes when you're in a chatroom you go off on a not so serious tangent.  No we're not kids...  We are all older...  Some much older...  But it was fun!  And we do need to laugh sometimes, don't we?  In fact, I think we need to laugh a lot.  There is way too much going on in our world unfortunately that is not laughable. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Lee Strobel

The Unexpected Adventure

So are you an agnostic or an atheist?  Why don't you believe?  Is it because you have a father wound?  Some experts have noted that atheists usually did not have a good relationship with their father or a lack of one.  So think about this...  If the Bible is not true and you die what do you lose?  Will you regret not living a hedonistic life where anything goes?  Or if the Bible is the truth then will you regret spending an eternity in hell?  What do you have to lose? 

Monday, April 10, 2017

David Limbaugh

Crimes Against Liberty

We are living in an age where anything can happen anywhere.  Do you know what I mean?  Just look at today's headlines:  Chemical warfare, missile attacks, public shootings, revolution threats...  What happens if we have a nuclear war?  Exactly who wins? 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Patsy Clairmont

God Uses Cracked Pots

Need a chuckle today?  Over the years I have volunteered at various Women of Faith events which usually feature Patsy as a speaker and author.  She is funny and down to earth.  She has written a number of books over the years.  It is true that God uses us even when we're cracked.  :)

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Harriet Tubman

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

Are you dreaming today?  Some days we dream and some days we don't.  But all dreams begin with a dreamer as Harriet Tubman so aptly put it.  Sometimes we get caught in a rut and lose focus on our dream.  Just keep taking one baby step at a time.  That's all you can do...

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Rains

April Flowers

March Cold Conundrum

C Sick

A winter chill
brings illness
to your body.
You feel it
all over
but especially
in your nose.
And your throat...
You yearn
for the day
when you
can breathe again...
And taste,
and smell...
You know
you're getting
because your
appetite comes back.
And your friends
aren't scared
to hang out
with you
because you're
no longer sick.
C sick...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

If any of you have caught the cold that has been going around and around and around, I feel for you.  This has been a bad winter for sickness.  And the pollen count has been high.  Garlic and pineapple do wonders for congestion.  Also try tea with licorice in it for coughing.  And if you're suffering from bronchitis, try oil of oregano.  It's just like taking antibiotics.  Most of all feel better because spring is right around the corner and you want to enjoy it.  If you are into holistic medicine then going the herbal route may be just for you...