Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Albert Aguero

Poems from the Rocky Mountains

New Mexico has the Sandia Mountains in pastel pink and blue hues while Colorado has the Flatirons in darker shades.  Mountains are all different.  Just like trees are all different.  How do you like the fact that the world and all the things in it are basically unique except for 3d printers?  Nah?  Yeah?  Not sure...

Monday, October 29, 2018

Vivid Blues

Southwest Sky

Joyce Smith

The Impossible

Do you have faith to move mountains?  Not everyone does but some people do.  I once heard that miracles from prayer happen, not because of the faith of the sick, but of the one doing the praying.  In this day and age it helps to have prayer warriors in your life because you never know which one has the faith to move mountains!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

John Steinbeck

Travels with Charley

What better way to see the USA except through a road trip with someone you have been friends with for a very long time whether they be two-legged or four-legged?  I think the only way to really travel is to live in different parts of the country for a while.  Then you get a sense of different areas and the people who live there.

October Florals

With a Chilly Crisp

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Pumpkin Haiku

Shades of Orange

A toothy grin is
showing up on pumpkins why?
October is here...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poet

Hope you are enjoying the sudden drop in temps...  I actually think it is just a mite too cold but I like this weather better than the hot humidity so I won't complain too much.  This just gives us a reason to drink hot cocoa and apple cider.  Happy Autumn!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Fears of a...

Trophy Child

I see you
with the tears
in your eyes
because your mother
makes you cry.

I see her hit you
when others
are not around.
All because
of her selfish conceit.

Your mother values
you for your looks
and for the attention
she seeks from others.
Not for your own self-worth.

you are worth
so much more
than you know.
Believe it!   

Others have worried
about you
and shared their concerns
but your father won't believe
his wife would treat you so.

Because you are her trophy child
and she likes to show you off.
Not because of your intelligence
but because of your looks.
The only thing that matters to her.

An evil heart will show itself
maybe too late
or just in time to give you time
to adjust to being a healthy child
once more.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Sometimes in life an evil heart presents itself in the guise of a parent.  We all know there are abusers in every shape and color out there.  Who keeps track of the wrongs done to children?  I think an evil person will get what's coming to them.  It usually does.  Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables

Everyone was young once, some younger than others.  Remember being that young?  So fanciful and carefree?  Life is so busy these days.  We lead our fast-paced busy lives and wonder where all the time went to.  Life needs to slow down.  Slow down like we're living in the country...  Where did the time go?