Thursday, June 21, 2018

Eleanor Roosevelt

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

You have a dream...  I have a dream...  Everyone has a dream...  Think back on when you were a child and think about what you wanted to be and what you wanted to do when you thought the world was your oyster.  Well...  it's not too late.  It's never too late to begin.  Why?  Because time passes regardless...  You  can either be pursuing your dream or you can waste the time away.  So what will it be?  What will you do today?  Make every moment matter because time is something once gone can not be brought back...   Don't waste it!

Summer Roses

A Rose Garden

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Trish Perry

The Guy I'm Not Dating

What's courtshipCourtship is dating with the intention of marriage in mind.  It's how people used to get to know one another before getting married in the good old days.  Nowadays you see a lot of one night stands and quickie marriages which end in quickie divorces because people really didn't know each other that well, they settled, or they married for the wrong reasons.  There's nothing wrong with getting to know someone as a friend before dating them.  In fact, some couples started out as friends and just decided to marry each other.  Here's to friendship!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


 A Love Triangle

In a land called Camelot
lived a king and queen.
King Arthur
loved his Queen
too much.
His Queen
loved him in her way
until by chance
she happened upon Sir Lancelot
whom she loved even more.
In fact a passion ignited
between the two
that could not be resisted.
And this love affair
was the beginning
of the ruin of Camelot:
A city made of legends
with a king
known far and wide.
Alas, if only the king
had never set eyes upon
Guinevere to begin with.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Have you heard of the story of Camelot?  Of Knights of the Round Table and ladies of yore?  Back then chivalry was not dead and knights helped out damsels in distress often, fought many wars, and undertook perilous missions...

Sunday, June 17, 2018



"The lovers of God will walk in integrity, and their children are fortunate to have godly parents as their examples."

Happy Father's Day!!!  Hopefully you are a good one and not a bad one...  Because good role models are hard to find sometimes...  I hope you were able to spend your time with your loved ones today...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

C S Lewis

The Hideous Strength

So are we living in the times of The Terminator?   Are we running the machines or are the machines running us?  It's amazing yet scary what artificial intelligence can do and what we allow them to do.  How much of our lives are truly our own?  Hmmm...

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Susie Dent

What Made the Crocodile Cry?

It's interesting reading about how some of the expressions in out English language have come about...  Like crocodile tears which is when crying is just an act and not real...  What is it about shallow people that they have to make the people around them miserable?  And invite them into their life of appearances only?  

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Lost at Sea

Saying Goodbye...

A watery world
connects two lovers:
World travelers
who meet by chance...

Their life at sea
being one of pure contentment
listening to ocean waves
as they crash starboard...

And lying in each others arms
feeling the sailing winds and 
describing the orange and red hues
of a falling sunset...

Little did they know
of the impending doom
of merciless waves beating
a coming separation... 

A perilous ending
to their journey
of love, of faith, of hope
to and for each other.  

Until saying goodbye
is the only thing left to do
cherishing memories made
and learning to let go.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

The movie Adrift is based on a true story of one woman's journey of love and survival.  The author wrote a book which has now become a movie.  I enjoy watching movies that move the heart especially when they are true.

Sunday, June 10, 2018



"It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them."

Have you ever been angry?  Mad beyond belief?  It is extremely difficult to let go of anger against someone that has done you wrong...  Experts say that depression is anger turned inward.  So what do you do as the wronged party?  First of all, realize that justice will prevail.  God metes out justice and believe me the wicked will get what they have coming to them.

Have you heard of the hookThe hook is what makes you angry...  What you need to do on a daily basis if need be is to take the anger off your hook and put it on God's hook.  It may help to make this a reality.  Go buy a hook from the hardware store and attach it to your wall.  Label the hook God's hook.  Then whenever you become angry at someone, put their name on a piece of paper, and hook it onto God's hook knowing that he will take care of it so we don't have to.  Because what good does it do for us to get angry and bitter?  I know...  Easier said than done...  Let it go and give it to God!  He will avenge us!

Katy Kauffman

Down the Road

I look down the road before me.
Only a few hundred feet are clear.
I don’t know what all lies ahead
As I start walking in this new year.

Life is a series of twists and turns.  You never quite know what it is going to throw at you but when you walk with God you have the strength to get through each day.  Plus someone else somewhere has gone through a path similar to yours.  Find each other and help each other towards healing and faith.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Mark Batterson

Chase the Lion

The author of Chase the Lion explores the concept of "a dream within a dream."  Exactly how does this concept work?  It works because it pays it forward.  We all have a dream but we don't all have the ability to fulfill our own dreams.  However we may reach one person that can take our dream and make it their own thereby fulfilling our combined dreams...

Think of Benaiah...  What do you when you face a lion?  Do you run away or do you fight it?  If you can face your greatest fears than you find a hidden strength that you did not know that you possessed.  Your greatest success will come out of your greatest failure...  Why do I say this?  Because when you cease to fear the worse than you can do your best...

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Edgar Allan Poe

A Dream Within A Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
Do we think of life as being real?  Or do we live life as in a dream?  Whose dream?  Or a dream within?  What are dreams exactly?  And do our dreams come true?  There is a fine line between fantasy and reality.  Sometimes our minds do not separate between the two...  Our minds remember our memories as well as our fantasies...  Hmmm...

Monday, June 4, 2018

A Fatal Flaw

In the Human Condition

An older man's
makes him
a younger woman
to fulfill
the desires
of his earthly
His flesh is weak
and so he succumbs
to the fantasy
playing around
and around
the corners
of his mind...
he does
the unthinkable,
the detestable,
the unspeakable
He sleeps
with his own
flesh and blood.

@Josh Poetic Popcorn Poetry

We live in a society of sperm banks and casual encounters with no idea of the future consequences.  So what if a man sleeps with a younger woman not realizing that he has slept with his own daughter or a woman who has given her son up for adoption only to cross paths with him years later and taking the cougar path.  The curse of Oedipus Rex is upon us.  And more importantly the curse of God.  Is it any wonder that God makes the marriage bed sacred?

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Max Lucado

Just In Case You Ever Wonder

Exactly what is unconditional love?  Are you able to show it to your children or is your love conditional?  There is great power is sharing unconditional love to your loved ones.  It enables a person to change and to become a better person.