Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Chanel Miller

Know My Name

We live in a corrupt and evil world whether we want to admit it or not...  We are a mixture of good, bad, and ugly...  But when we don't tell the whole story, the significance is lost...  Why are we tearing down statues and prettying our history?  Everyone has battle scars and belittling what has happened is an insult to humankind...  I have friends who have been raped and they are some the strongest women I know...  Asian lives matter too...  Celebrate Asian Heritage month with us...

Monday, May 17, 2021



Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.

Some people seek the light but some seek the dark...  If you had a choice, and you do...  Would you choose to live your life in the darkness or the light?  What if you had to choose for eternity?  What a bleak eternity that would be...  Why are you choosing to hide your light?  Shine on...

Sunday, May 16, 2021


Resides Among Us

Lucifer of yore
was a very charming fellow...
the bright and morning star 
they described him,
little realizing 
how very deceptive 
he was...
so malignant,
so malicious,
so manipulative,
and cunning...
He made you want 
to believe him,
not knowing that
you were being led
to your destruction...
His days are numbered
but he roams the earth
causing destruction
and prowling
for his next victim...
Will that be you? 

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Have you ever met a malignant in your life?  I always try to be nice to everyone but sometimes a foreshadowing or premonition tells you to beware of this person...  They may be wearing black and flitting in and out of the shadows so light on their feet...  Doesn't that sound just like a professional thief?  Malignant is her game and your demise is her gain...  Thou shalt not covet...  Oh woe is you?  Your time is up and to the lake of fire you will be thrown for eternity...

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Charles Morgan

"There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved.  It is God's finger on man's shoulder."

Love is in the air!  Duh...  Springtime...  all the gardeners are deciding what flowers to grow and many flowers are already blooming...  Haven't we been cooped up long enough?  Although like Pavlov's dogs, some people conditioned are prisoners of their own fate...  and in the end are doomed...

Friday, May 7, 2021

Kay Arthur

Lord, Heal My Hurts

Let's face it...  We all hurt some of the time...  For some, all of the time...  Are you seeking healing from hurt?  Hurt can be healed...  Jehovah-rapha is the God who heals...  Seek him when it hurts...  It would be tough if you had to go through life carrying all the hurt inside...  Take a step in the right direction!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Nancy Stephan

Love Again

"There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go."

Everything in life is a risk...  Falling in love...  Going after a dream...  But what is the real issue?  Isn't it not trying at all?  If you take the risk and tell someone then you at least said it...  But woe to the person who was much afraid and never said it...  What regrets they must live with...

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The House...

In Pleasantville


There once 
was a house
where the golden girls lived 
but no one 
was allowed 
to be real, 
make small talk,
be positive, 
the evil one 
doesn't want you to talk, 
speak truth, 
be real...
because that would mean 
that you were alive 
instead of being trapped 
in your own compliance... 
Our being human
lies in our emotions...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Have you ever had to deal with people who wouldn't talk about the real things in life?  Instead they just talked about things that didn't really matter?  Hmmm...  What do you desire?  A relationship that is like a roller coaster ride or one that is just meaningless...  Fee fie fo fum...  Let us live a humdrum life in shades of grey instead of vibrant color because we have been squashed so thoroughly...  Why would you let anyone ever do that to you?