Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Hearts of Fire

If you live in the USA then you have no idea how good you have it.  There are people in other parts of the world that have so many less freedoms than we do.  However what do we do but take our freedoms for granted...

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lisa Sexton & Tyler Sexton

God Bless These Little Legs

Do you want to read something inspiring?  Then read this book.  This boy was born with cerebral palsy but he never let that stop him.  Why?  Because adversity builds character...  When life hands you lemons you can choose to make lemonade. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Billy Graham

The Secret of Happiness

Are you happy?  Or more like anxious and scared because of all the happenings in this world?  We have COVID and the protests...  But on the other hand we are also trying to get back on track to living a life that is more normal or at least the normal that we used to know.  

Friday, June 19, 2020

Billy Graham

The ocean is an example of opposites:  Serene but wild...  Calm but stormy...  Quiet movement or crashing tidal waves...  It can be light blue or a dark and stormy green...  Do you see the many moods of the ocean?  Do you see the many moods of God in our world?  He looks at his creation and feels joy and anger...  sadness...

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Shaunti Feldhahn & Lisa A Rice

For Young Women Only

For the younger generation that is experiencing COVID this is probably something that they are not used to...  Slowing down...  Spending time with family as opposed to friends...  Keeping social distance...  Graduating online instead of in a ceremony...  For all teenage guys and gals... 

Start living smart and not doped up...  Someone I know told me how people keep telling her that she can be someone but not if all she does is stay in her room doped up...  She will most likely die of a drug overdose...  Someone on dope is a dope...  Get it?  Stop doping yourself up...  Smart=NO DOPE!!!  Stupid=DOPE!!!  Why do you think they call it dope?

Guys if you want to know about girls...  Girls if you want to know about guys...  Read...

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Are People

What is the difference
between people?

Good people?
Bad people?

People are
all the same...

We are all...








We could go on

People who go to hell...
People who go to heaven...

We are all the same...

What is the difference?

The people who go to heaven
are repentant and love God...

We are no better,
we are no worse...

We just love God
and repent for the
things we do...

A decision
in life
makes all the difference...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Do you understand?  The difference between people?  Why we're different?  And why we are the same?  No one person is all good and no one person is all bad...  A bad person can do a good thing...  A good person can do a bad thing...  Do you repent?  Do you forgive?  Forgiveness is hard...  Try reading Lamentations or the Psalms...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Erwin W Lutzer

Who are You to Judge?

In this day and age sometimes it's good to have wisdom and discernment...  Otherwise you get put into situations that you would rather not be in...  Although you may still but at least you will be more prepared.  I mean who wants to go around the telling people how "stuffed" you are...  That's Australian lingo for a not so very nice word in the American culture...

Savor a Sunset


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Louisa May Alcott

"I am not afraid of storms because I am learning how to sail my ship."

Life is always about learning and constantly changing.  Life is not static.  If you look back on your life today and realize that you have made a lot of positive changes than you are in a good place.  However if you look back on your life and realize that you are still in a rut or still stuck in your old habits then maybe it's time to make a change. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Maya Angelou

"The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and compassion and humor and style and generosity and kindness."

The county mourns a man that was fatally killed...  There are protests happening all over the country but there is always a right way and a wrong way to make a statement.  Destroying our country and hurting innocent people is not a way to do it.  Our country has just gone through a very devastating time with COVID...  Why can't you be kind?