Sunday, August 30, 2015

White Roses

What do they mean?

Web of Deception

House of Lies

One lone eagle spies
a dilapidated mansion
sitting up on a hilltop,
desolate of all human life.

The rooms all stand empty.
Everything is devoid of color except
for that of a faded blue frame
lying smashed on the floor.

This mansion once
used to be something.
It housed a large family
of well-known hard workers.

And they all revered the father.
However over the years
the children all went
every which way.

Losing their sense of ethics
and morally decaying
from the inside out.
Due to poor decisions made.

And now there it stands,
a reminder of the glory it once held.
Sadly the eagle flys away
with one tear in his eye.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Many corporations are like families, don't you think?  They can be toxic to the core.  Unfortunately many of them are falling by the wayside due to unethical decisions and toxic work environments.  They talk a good talk but they don't really walk their talk.  Sometimes it's best to leave a company like this for your own personal health.  Whether it be your choice or not, you are better off without them.  I used to work for a company like this.  Thank goodness I don't work there any longer.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

John Maxwell

There's No Such Thing as "Business" Ethics

This is a great book on ethics and really defines the golden rule.  Because when it comes down to it, ethics begins with you.  You either have it or you don't.  So why not develop the Midas touch in terms of your own integrity?  Because there is a difference when going for the gold as opposed to living your life by the golden rule.  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Love & Marriage

Letting Go

You meet a stranger
who soon becomes a friend,
maybe your best friend.
And you fall in love
because you trust
this person and think
this may be the person
I marry.

So you spend time,
lots of time
together wondering
if this is it.
But time goes on
and little things
make themselves known.

One day you realize
that even though
there are many good things
about this relationship,
it's still lacking.
And then you realize
that maybe it's time
to move on.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I dated someone for two and a half years.  My Dad and my brothers all liked him and he and I were planning to marry but then somewhere along the way I realized that maybe we were not totally right for each other.  So I let him go because I wanted what was best for him and for me.  I will always remember him fondly and wish him the best because for a time in my life he was my best friend and he was there for me when my father was in hospice and eventually passed away.

If you're in a relationship, factors that can negatively affect your relationship are in-laws.  Especially if your future mother-in-law is too controlling of her son.  Also opposites do attract but there has to be some common ground otherwise it is simply not enough.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Falling in Love


Ages ago
when we were
at heart
we knew
the meaning
of love.

We fell in love
without warning
and with
passion beating
in our hearts.
But life goes on
and love either grows
or it dies
or it becomes hidden
we have forgotten
was it was like
to fall in love.

Another life
another time
mostly remembered
with angst in our hearts.
Our myriad emotions
getting lost in the shuffle
of past, present, and future.
Lost in a sea of memories
that intertwine
like the ebb and flow
of the receding tides.

A glimpse of
what might have been.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I was watching the movie What If last night to help me relax but it kind of opened up a place in my heart that I haven't really examined in years.  It made me think of someone I met long ago.  A stranger who I was drawn to reluctantly, initially, but became a challenge to my senses over time.  A friend who is now a stranger once more.  It was a tumultuous time for me because while I was infatuated with one guy I was falling in love with the other unknowingly.  Sometimes I wonder what if?
But there could be more than one "what ifs?"  You know?  Getting older and wiser and knowing what would have worked and didn't...  Chemistry is a part of love but not the only thing...  Shared values, kindness, laughing together, CONNECTION!!! 
And just being quiet together... 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Live Your Dreams

Your Big Dream

There once lived a fellow,
a quite ordinary fellow,
who one day decided
to not be quite
so ordinary after all.

So with a feather
in his sack
he set off to find
his Big Dream.
Leaving familiar behind.

His comfort zone
for so many years
where he felt safe
if somewhat discontent.
But not really knowing.

He had to face
his bullies,
even those he loved,
and leave them behind.
Or they would cost him his dream.

Then he had to go
through the wasteland
where he learned
to have faith to go on.
And found sanctuary.

Until one day he found
his Big Dream
which was helping people.
Anybody people
to find their Big Dreams.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poet

So I've been reading The Dream Giver recently which was a book given to me by my mentor to read.  This poem was inspired after reading this book and dedicated to my mentor Nancy because she is an inspiration to anyone who is looking to pursue their big dream!  She is definitely helping me to pursue mine.  I'd also like to dedicate this poem to Larry, Kevin, and Kent who helped me in a big way the past couple of years.  If it wasn't for their help I would probably not have made it this far.  

According to the Dream Giver everybody has a Big Dream!  Especially you!  So what are you waiting for?  Go pursue your Big Dream!  Starting now!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wet Haiku

More Than Rain

Running here and there
Between raindrops falling fast
Upon our wet self.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

What is up with all this rain?  I feel like maybe building an ark would not be a bad idea some days.  We had maybe a number of days with no rain but this summer overall has been very wet!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Sir James Matthew Barrie

"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."

One of my close friends that I've known for over a couple of decades recently gave me a card with this quote on it.  I had never read this quote before but really liked it.

It's true but sometimes what we see is a reflection of ourselves in others.  I find this ironic because a friend I know that is negative about others is also negative about herself.  Another friend I know is always pointing out to me that this person or that person has some sort of mental issue and now I'm beginning to wonder about her mental state.  Listen to the person next to you and see what they point out.  Do you see that in them?

I have another close friend that once sent me a Christmas card that read, "Some of my best friends are flakes" amidst a flurry of snowflakes.  I took it in a positive light under the circumstances.  So don't flake out unless it's winter!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ford Taylor

The Hike

What is transformational leadership?  Do you have what it takes to be a leader?  I was speaking to someone recently about some issues I was having with the level of appropriate professionalism I was seeing being displayed by different people I know.  If you had to do a market analysis of a person who is in the public eye how would you tell them that some of their actions and speech are inappropriate?  Would you tell them?  Or just let them wing it?  Well, that would be the question!  The Hike is the book he recommended reading.  So go tell someone to "take a hike" today!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Just because I'm reclusive...

Me & My Shadow

I have to say 
that really 
the only thing 
I want so close 
to me is simply 
just my shadow.  
No more poking, 
or touching 
Just because...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Some people know what it is to be respectful of someone's personal space and then there are the space invaders.  What are you?  A respectful person or a space invader?  And not the gaming variety.  Have a good night, don't let the bed bugs bite!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Robert H Schuller

"Daring to Dream means Daring to Live."

Do you dare to dream today?  What does it mean to live life to the fullest?  We all have an innate desire to see our dreams come true so how would you feel if someone stomped on your dream because they thought their dream was better than yours?  The thing about dreams is that they are unique.  We each have a dream that is different from each others.  It's an awesome thing to help someone realize their dreams as long as they realize that you still have your own.