Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Dr Robert Jeffres

Choosing the Extraordinary Life

What kind of life are you living?  Are you proud of the life you lead?  You only have one chance to live each second, minute, hour, day...  Are you living the life that God wants for you or are you living the life that the devil wants you to live?  Are you proud of the life you lead?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


"Look back and thank God.  Look forward and trust God."

Isn't this something that we must do?  Especially given what is going on?  2020 has been one extreme year thus far...  Do we even know what is going on anymore?  Do we know who to trust?  What has happened to our country?  Find out for yourself...

Saturday, August 15, 2020



“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;"

I once met a man who told me that he had traveled from Ethiopia...  He told me that he had met people there that were getting saved through visions and dreams...  He also told me about the pyramids of Egypt and how ironic it was that they portrayed hieroglyphics of planes and helicopters back then?  How is that possible?

Friday, August 14, 2020

O Nebuchadnezzar

A Golden Statue

There once lived
a king that dreamt
a dream he forgot
except for a feeling
of impending doom.

He asked his advisors
what did he dream?
And what did it mean?
However...  he could not
remember the dream...

A man was found
that uncovered the dream
with God's revealing...
A dream that foretold
of a future destiny...

The super powers
of the earth were unveiled
in the statue.

The head of gold,
chest and arms of silver,
stomach and hips of bronze,
legs of iron, and feet
mixed of iron and clay.

Are we in the last days?
How will we know?
Are we ready?
Will we be prepared?
For a thief in the night?

@JoSH Popcorn Poet

Do you remember the dream that Daniel interpreted?  What do you make of it?  I've always wondered about the different kingdoms included in the statue's representation...  These kingdoms represent the super powers in the history of the world.  Many interpretations exist for the different parts of the statue but not much is said about the feet of iron and clay.  Could they represent a super power that is split in two?  Two political parties always at war with each other but together represent a one country?

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Pete Hegseth

American Crusade

Are we still the home of the free and the brave?  Or are we now turning into a country that we no longer recognize?  We have had many historical statues recently removed...  What does this mean for our country?  When will we see the light?

Friday, August 7, 2020

Albert Henry Ross

Who Moved the Stone?

There are many who don't believe!  If you don't believe in something then you will do everything in your power to prove something wrong.  So ever since the resurrection a number of people have decided to prove that it never happened but they changed their minds after much research.  Instead of listening to other people express an opinion why don't you just find out for yourself?  Why?  Because if your eternity hangs in the balance then you need to know for sure!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

John Mason

Seize Today

I have to admit that sometimes I can be the world's biggest procrastinator, which is not a good thing, but something that helps me is to write down my goals.  Writing down goals helps me to keep the goal top of mind plus you have the satisfaction of crossing that goal off your list when you complete it.  Need a jump start?  Then read this book by John Mason.  I found it motivating. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

John Bevere

The Bait of Satan

We are living in an age that is easily offended by everything imaginable...  In fact it seems that we now live in a culture that enables those that get easily offended.  Instead of agree to disagree and having interesting debates we have to deal with my way or the highway mentality.  Even comedy suffers as people are getting so easily offendable.  Are we getting bored yet?