Sunday, March 29, 2015

March Madness

Green Limerick

There once was a fellow
Would only wear yellow
Why not?
He caught!
Out loud he would bellow!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I know this one doesn't even make sense.  Sometimes life doesn't make sense so you make lemonade out of lemons...  Because what you see is not always what you get.  And life is what you make it.  Or so you would hope.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Judy White

The Heart of Yoga Revealed

Yoga is something I have dabbled with but not gotten to heavy into however there is controversy over what exactly yoga is.  This is an interesting expose of what lies at the heart of yoga.  Think about it...  Is yoga just exercise or is it more?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Northern Lights

Bright Lights

A star shone 
so bright
that night 
when a baby 
was born,
but not just 
any baby 
but a savior.

The heavens 
played a part 
in showing
the poetry in motion 
of a baby's birth 
and the death 
of a solitary man.

A man who was really 
not just a man but God.

So when we see 
the stars 
and the brights lights 
that brighten the sky 
we should always remember 
what happened 
that night so long ago.  

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

So watching The Star of Bethlehem was thought provoking and gave me some aha moments especially where the constellations were concerned.  Obviously no one really knows the exact date when Jesus was born even though we always celebrate his birthday on Christmas day because Jewish people use the lunar calendar as do many Asian nationalities.  Lunar and solar calendars are very different if you are at all familiar with them.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cat and Mouse

The End of the Chase

Once upon a time
the cat chased
the mouse
all around the house
and up and down the stairs.
But the mouse
got injured in a mouse trap
and the cat got too fat,
to chase the mouse
even though she was
stuck and couldn't move.
And so the chasing
all because
the cat forgot
how to chase a mouse.
Bad cat!
Sad cat!
Of course a male cat!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Sometimes you have to look at life through fun-colored glasses.  A sense of humor goes a long way when you simply don't understand some of the people in your life.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Star of Bethlehem

One Starry Night

What did it take
for God to send
us his son?
To bring a child 
into this world?  

A world that 
would hate  
and eventually 
kill him because 
of everything that 
he represented? 

And yet the night 
he was born 
a star shone so brightly 
so that three wise men 
could come 
and worship him?   

The universe
his birth
into a world that was 
cold and unfeeling.  

To fulfill a promise
to us who didn't 
even deserve it.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

This poem was inspired by the DVD:  The Star of Bethlehem.  If you read the Biblical references to this momentous event then you will discover more than you bargained for.  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Rainy Day Limerick


Raindrops fall by the wayside
making me wish I was inside
because then I'd by dry
which is kind of why
I'd rather be reading bedside.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Well the weather has been warmer lately, almost balmy some days.  However that also means that the snow is melting and that it's raining more.  There were some days when the fog was so think you could hardly see in front of you. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lazy Day Limerick


Do I know what I don't know?
Why do trees in the forest still grow?
Moss is green.
Hoping it is clean.
Just in case it begins to glow.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

So my attempt at a limerick.  Limericks are kind of Irish don't you think?  We are in a green month full of tiny little leprechauns...  Also March is full of blarney, aren't we?  

Saturday, March 7, 2015

JoSH Profile

Who am I?  

I'm someone who wishes that I could have done things a lot sooner rather than later.  I love to read, write, photograph, and travel.  My favorite cities to visit are Chicago and San Francisco in my younger days.  I've also enjoyed visiting New Mexico and Hawaii.  I want to live my life and not be limited by restrictions.  Henry David Thoreau said that "Men lead lives of quiet desperation" and I never want to live my life quietly desperate.

JoSH Blogger has been up for over 3 years now.  Thank you for the many invitations that have come my way!  I have enjoyed meeting so many of you in the online community.  At present I am only active on Blogger and Google Plus.  I am exploring Pinterest which I have just recently become active on.  Initially I meant to keep it private but then thought I would share my boards as well.  Glad you like my pins.  Thank you for reading and commenting on my posts and looking at my pictures!  I have enjoyed looking at yours as well! 

My writing journal contains interesting tidbits and personal insights about just anything.  My poetry blog shares some of the poetry that I write and anything that has to do with writing:  Even meeting authors from all over the place which I think is totally awesome! 

By the way, in case you're wondering...  My blogs do not give out cookies.  If there were cookies involved I think that Cookie Monster and I would be eating them and not be giving them away.   Chomp!  Chomp!  :)

Remember the most valuable commodity is time not money.  And people are more valuable than money.  Which is the better life?  Working your personal life around your job?  Or working your job around your personal life?  Spend your time wisely because you won't get it back.  Live Your Dreams!  Because I'm doing my best to live mine... 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Arnold Classic

Brawny to the Core

Thinking back...  
on days gone past..
I remember
helping out for this 
happening event.

Men and women
trained to the core
to show off their
muscles and brawn
before the world. 

I sneaked a few peeks 
backstage cause I could 
with a special pass
that got me 
through the door.  

I remember meeting Arnold
and getting a picture taken.
I also remember 
seeing Chuck Norris
as he came onstage.

It was more than 
body builders.  
Martial arts experts too!
And I saw a great many
perform that day.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Have you ever been to the Arnold Classic?  It is definitely a big event.  If you're into bodybuilding or martial arts then it is probably an event you will want to go to.  I personally got to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as some others.  I also got to meet a local news reporter who was covering the event for NBC. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Mad Hatter's Month

March Winds

In like a lion
out like a lamb
is our Irish
month of March.

Green is the color
for the days
of celebration
by wee folk.

Will we find
our pot of gold
at the end
of a rainbow?

Or will the
laugh?  Because
he found it first?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Can't believe it's March already!  Time is really flying by...  Enjoy this new month and hopefully you are warmer than I am.  :)