Friday, January 19, 2024

Madeleine L'Engle

"We draw people to Christ not by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it."

While I find this sentiment engaging, I have to wonder if it is entirely correct?  I think in some instances you do need to tell someone that they are doing wrong...

Take a baby for instance...  As the baby is growing up and beginning to crawl...  Wouldn't you tell your child that he/she needs to be careful?  Of things that could be a danger to them?  Like a hot iron or a hot stove?  Hmmm...

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Sarah Arthur

A Light So Lovely

Was Madeleine an icon or an iconoclast?  What was Jesus?  Some people seem like oxymorons or paradoxes...  You either love or hate them...  But you could never be passive about them...  Madeleine wrote science fiction.  There is controversy about whether or not she was new age.  Having read some of her books, I would say NO!  New age has everything to do with worshiping the creation and not the creator like angels and nature.  God made them both.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Madeleine L'Engle

Wrinkle in Time Quintet

I was thinking back to books I read when I was younger and found this series to be a fascinating read.  However, they were only a trilogy at the time.  So I will have to finish reading the series some day.  It's science fiction and there's a lot of scientific jargon but I think it only adds to the series.  It's basically a book about the struggle between good and evil...