Tuesday, November 29, 2016



Oh desperate woman
that you are. 
You feel that
you deserve to win. 
To get your way in life. 
Well...  guess what? 
Not everything
will go your way.
Sometimes life
will be deplorable for you. 
So let it go...
It's over.
It's done.
Let it go.
Lest the rest of us
realize what
a truly desperate woman
at heart you really are. 
And turn our backs
on you forever.

@JoSH Popcorn Poetry

Everyday we come across people who feel they are truly entitled.  What these people don't realize is how truly turned off we really are listening to them rant and rave about their entitlement.  I am a woman but when I see shows about desperate housewives and others like them I think why?  Why waste your time?  These women have truly missed the mark of what really matters in life. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Stanley Horowitz

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all."

The change of seasons is upon us.  We go through them every year depending on where we live.  Some places have modified seasons but if like the change in seasons then you probably live in the Midwest.  Happy Autumn!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Time to Fatten Up

Sorry Turkey!

The life of a turkey
is fraught
with an end goal
many would not desire.

The turkey
has no idea
why he is given
such an easy life.

A life of eating
and grazing.
And eating and
grazing some more.

Only to end up as the
most important attendee
to a very momentous
and well-attended dinner.

However the turkey
at that point is no longer
as we all know...
he has become our dinner.

@Josh Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you all enjoy your dinner.  I personally would rather eat a real turkey for Thanksgiving as opposed to a tofurky.  However I did wonder as to how the turkeys felt.  Enjoy your time with your loved ones.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Kari Kampakis


Like...  like...  like...  like...  like....  Whose approval are you seeking?  Who do you want to make you feel like you are accepted and loved?  Social media has quite a big impact on our lives in this day and age.  Are you seeking something more real and authentic?  Then check out this book by author Kari Kampakis.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

James Reuben Knowles

Butt Prints in the Sand

One night I had a wondrous dream,
One set of footprints there was seen,
The footprints of my precious Lord,
But mine were not along the shore.

Now I have to admit that I had never heard of this opposing version of Footprints in the Sand until very recently.  What do you think?  What are your thoughts?  I remember listening to a pastor years ago who said that if you go your own way long enough then there does come a point where God just lets you go.  Do you ever want to get to a point where God lets you go?  What a very sad day indeed when even God gives up on you. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Carl Gallups

When the Lion Roars

I was listening to the radio this morning and heard about this book.  The tough times we live in and what it means to us.  All we can do is to take one day at a time.  That's all we can do.  And pray!  Prayer changes things!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Eyes Everywhere

The Eye Knows

We walk...
we talk...
we see...
and are seen.

We are innocent...
we are guilty.
We are happy...
we are sad.

We see things
we don't want to see.
And know things
we don't want to know.

But life goes on
day in
day out.

Being seen...
And blink.

@JoSH Popcorn Poetry

The days go by and in this age of technology you can see things going on everywhere.  Sometimes it's too much information but we are all curious.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Lust of the Eyes

Appearance of Evil

A married man
met someone
who was not his wife.

The woman
he met with
was not his wife.

A married woman
met someone
who was not her husband.

The man
she met with
was not her husband.

Both have kids
with their spouses
but oddly enough
that doesn't stop
these two from
hanging out
with each other.
Work with each other.
Talk to each other.

For obviously
they don't care
how it appears to others.
And how disrespectful
they are to the ones
they have pledged
to spend their lives with.

@JoSH Popcorn Poetry

There was a story about a pastor that was having an affair.  He would not admit it though.  A missionary confronted him.  He adamantly denied it and vowed that if he was lying then God could take his child.  He had two children:  one healthy and one sick.  He never dreamed that God would take away his healthy child.  It was not until his child was being lowered into his grave that he finally repented.

Unfortunately being Christian does not make us any less human than the next person however there is temptation and there is resisting temptation.  God judges us by the motives of our heart.  You can always fool other people but you can't fool God and he will out you in the end.  The loss of your reputation, your relationships, the shame of it all.  There are certain things that people have done that will go down in history because we all know what they did.  Why?  When you could have chosen wisely?    

David gave into his temptation of Bathsheba and God took their child away.  David did not realize the wrong he had done until Nathan confronted him.  Why ruin your life, the relationship with your spouse and kids all because of a temptation you could not resist?  Would you risk the life of your children by giving into the lust of the eyes?  When you got married you made your choice.  If you did not think you would be able to keep your word then why get married to that person in the first place?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

United We Stand

Divided We Fall

A country
split in two
by colors
red and blue.

A nation
by conflicting

Why be
Why be

this country
meant to be
a melting pot?

Of different

at peace
not war.
Love not hate.

are we
at all?

 @Josh Popcorn Poetry

This country was split in two by a civil war once fighting for and against slavery.  Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and that the Republican Party was responsible for getting rid of slavery?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Tim LaHaye

Left Behind

I got to take part in a day long seminar with this author in person before he passed.  We went through the entire book of Revelations in an hour.  Revelations is known as a prophetic book and offers a blessing to those who read it.  The Left Behind series written by Tim LaHaye also has a movie series.  I heard about an atheist that read this series and changed his mind about God. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ben Young & Dr. Samuel Adams

The One

Are you dreaming of the one?  Like Trinity did by falling in love with "The One" in Matrix?  Well guess what this book is about?  It's about finding the one and shows you some very different examples that are actually in the Bible for finding the one.  Obviously some examples are probably not how you would go about finding the one but it does give you insight into relationships and will probably give you something to chuckle about along the way.