Sunday, May 31, 2015

Friday, May 29, 2015


Who is She?

Exclusive is she.
Compulsive yes.
Sometimes impulsive.
Repulsive hope not.

But I gotta be who I gotta be!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Sometimes I just like words.  Know what I mean?  Witty and winsome and wise-cracking too!  Cathartic and caring and creatively challenging.  "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!"  Have an Almond Joy today!  Chocolate is my guilty pleasure!  

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Breezy Haiku

Life's Short

Like a breezy wind
summer shows up right after
a very short spring.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Life is really going fast, don't you think?  Time to get organized and on the ball so you can get on a roll.  Enjoy driving around today!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

William Paul Young

The Shack

This book has been recommended by many but I have still yet to read it.  It's about a father whose daughter is brutally murdered and his journey toward what God wants for him.  This author's view of God is not the norm but more about his personal perception of how he sees God.  If you haven't had a chance to read the book then there is actually a movie format now.  

I have a stack of books that I have yet to read.  I will never not want to read but finding time to read is a bit of a problem these days.  May is so busy!  Why

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Jonathan Smith

Summer in February

A true story, written by Jonathan Smith, about three people who end up in a tragic love triangle.  Why does love have to be so hard?  Why can't it be easier?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Things that Go Bump in the Night!

Does God Listen? 

Why walk by faith
and not by sight? 
Do you believe 
there is a God?

When I was much younger
my first real prayer
was for my kid brother
who was having nightmares. 

About a month later when asked
if he was still plagued
by nightmares at night,
he said,”No, not anymore.”

Freaked out I told him
what I had done
and he whispered and wished
I hadn’t said that…

Because now he’s scared
there really is a God.
And now I’m sure
there is one.

One who listens.  

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

This actually happened when I was younger.  My brother told me that he no longer had nightmares after I prayed for him.  Sometimes you have no choice but to believe in the power of prayer.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Don Colbert

Deadly Emotions

I read this book a while back and it's an extremely eye-opening book.  Some physical conditions are a result of emotions like anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness.

Think about it...  We all have the potential to get cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc., however it takes an enormous amount of stress to allow it to take over our body.  There are many cases where when you choose to forgive you actually become instantly better.  It's amazing the toll that stress has on the body and the damage it can cause.  

Friday, May 15, 2015

Joyce Meyer

Do Yourself a Favor...  Forgive

Do you know what the book of Lamentations is about?  It is about letting it ALL out!  It is about pleading and weeping to God asking WHY?  Every single feeling that you feel about a certain person, a specific place, or an event that has affected your life...

Do you know how hard is it to forgive someone?  Anyone?  It's not easy.  It's never easy but you gain so much more when you do.  Think about the bitter people in your life.  What did not forgiving do to them?  If I had to choose over getting cancer or choosing to forgive, which would I choose?  Many people struggle with the concept of forgiveness every which way and believe me when I say that I am one of them.  It took me a long time to understand the concept of forgiveness and I'm still learning.  Joyce Meyer in her book gives us great reasons why it's a good thing to forgive.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

A Mother's Comfort

Remember a time
when you were very young
and your mother was there
when you needed her?

You had a bad day
and you fell asleep crying
or your tummy hurt
and were hot with fever?

What would I have done
without a Mother
to champion my causes
that were important to her?

The recipient of my
tears and my fears.
My hopes and my dreams.
And made me smile?

Here's to you Mom!
Because you're important
no matter what you do!
I Love You!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

This poem is inspired by my Mom but is in honor of mothers everywhere.  Especially for my many friends who are Mothers.  I see you interact with your children and know how dear and loved your children are by you.  Never stop being the best Mother you can be!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bobby Schuller

Growing Closer

Bobby Schuller has written a devotional that you can get through the Hour of Power website.  He is taking up where his grandfather left off.  Reverend Robert Schuller was the founder of the Crystal Cathedral and recently passed away.  I remember my Dad telling me about him.  My Dad loved listening to him.  

Monday, May 4, 2015

War Room

A Battle Cry

A couple falls 
in love together
but over the years 
they grow apart.

When once they 
used to love each other
now they're deeply torn 
inside their heart.

How do you fight
to save your marriage?
How do you fight
to save your love?

The battle cry begins
in an empty room
where you fall down
on your knees and start...

A prayer to champion
the warrior that has 
your best at heart
and has known you 
from the moment
you began.

Before, Now and Forevermore!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

This poem was inspired by the movie War Room that I recently attended.  I was invited to a special preview and attended with a friend.  It is another movie produced by the Kendrick Brothers who are the same producers that brought you Facing the Giants.  Their movies are great at growing your faith while making you cry at the same time.  Go grab your friends and catch this movie when it comes out in August.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Sandi Latimer

Newsroom Buddies

I find that in the course of my life I get to meet interesting writers along the way.  Not too long ago I got to meet the author of this book at a local event.  This sounds like an interesting book.  Writers always enjoy meeting other writers, I think.  There is something about the written pen that connects.