Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Marvin Williams

Radical Generosity

A small business owner friend and I recently had a conversation about giving and grace.  It seems that when you extend grace and generosity to others, God gives it back to you tenfold.  How?  Sometimes you are there scratching your head but it does happen.  The more you give the more you get.  Generosity begets generosity whereas stinginess will put you in a very solitary place.  

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Emotional Affair

An Affair of the Heart

Two people
fall in love
but over the years
they slowly
drift apart.

One of them
meets someone else
to talk and vent
frustrations to
in innocence.

there's no harm,
not realizing
that imminent
danger lurks.

Playing with fire
is what it is.
A slow fade
from loving
their spouse.

They think
they are doing
nothing else
until one day
the inevitable happens.

They lose the life
they thought
was safe.
Love broken
by deception.

The end result
is guilt and shame.
Emotions that
will tear at you
forever and a day.

@JoSH Popcorn Poetry

Why is it that people don't realize how dangerous the emotional affair is?  The guilt before they are caught and the shame that comes after they are exposed.  Emotions are only a prelude to the physical.  Infatuation and attraction are not good reasons to throw your life away.  Marriage is a choice and usually involves more substantial reasons like character and shared values in addition to romantic love.  Live wiselyResist temptation.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Water Conundrum

H20 Not 007

Danger lurks
in innocence.
We need
to drink
to live.
But everything
in moderation
is the real key
because too much
of a good thing
can be just as bad.

The air
we breathe...
The water
we drink...
But some air
is not breathable
and some water
is not drinkable.
And too much
of a good thing
is just as bad.

is the key
and ask around
because bad advice
can cost you your life.
And do you really want
to find out before
it's too late?
Because too much
of a good thing
can be just as bad.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I was watching the television one night about a woman who died after drinking too much water.  It's happening more and more:  To children and adults.  Unfortunately people listen too much to the wrong advice which could prove to be costly and deadly in the long run.  And you thought James Bond was dangerous!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Cecelia Hae-Jin Lee

Eating Korean

Who likes eating Korean food?  I do!  In fact I like all Asian cuisine.  Yum!  Yum!  Yummy!  Check out some of the popular Korean cookbooks around.  A traditional Korean soup made in January is called duk gook which is a combination of rice cakes in a steaming broth. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Being Human


Today I thought...
Today I might...
Not make any
Who am I kidding?
Not me.
Am I perfect?
So I take
each day
as it comes
and do
the best
I can.
in the long run
that is all
anyone expects
you are
a sucker
for punishment.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Be kind to yourself because we all make mistakes and we all need to extend grace to each other.  Some people are too petty to each other and to themselves and where is that going to take you?  You're just going to miss out on a lot of life and fun that way because seriously there are people out there for who knows what reason are suckers for punishment.  Don't be a sucker unless you actually are a lollipop!  Then you unfortunately get sucked...


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Julie Lythcott-Haims

How To Raise An Adult

Do you ever wonder about all the kids growing up nowadays and the anxiety, entitlement, and fear of failure that is going on?  This author wrote this book on how overparenting harms children, the parents, and society.  Put your kids on the road to success and read this book. 

Tom McMahon

Big Meetings, Big Results

Make this year one of the best for taking your business to the next level.  Ironically I got to meet this author last year.  Very personable and very down to earth!  If you are thinking of a business event why not contact him?

Being a writer, its always a pleasure to meet another writer.  It's like there is a writer around every corner I turn.  Serendipity at its best!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

1st John


"If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that you should pray about that."

Years ago a friend of mine sent me an email of a list of celebrities that had all died after saying, "There is no God."  It was quite an extensive list.  One wonders what they're thinking now as they are spending the rest of eternity in hell.  Does hell truly exist?  What do you think?  Are you willing to test God on this?  

I recently watched Inferno and the beginning of the movie gives a depiction of Dante's Inferno.  What is Dante's Inferno but a depiction of hell as the poet saw it.  Hell is portrayed in levels.  Do you dream of a white light or do you dream of a lake of fire?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

George Orwell


I read this fiction book years ago for a class assignment, but if you look at the world today, are we living in 1984?  The world of 1984 is about a society that is fed anything and everything that the powers that be want you to believe.  Does it matter if it's true or not?  Of course not.  So exactly what is the media doing these days except marketing for their favorites?  Are they using journalistic integrity?  Do they even know what that means?  Come on now start cleaning up your act and start giving us the real news.  Just the facts please and no fiction when it comes to the news!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Ron Rhodes

Bible Translations

So we live in the age of the information highway.  At the click of a fingertip we have access to more information then you will ever know what to do with.  And with each succession of translations, original meanings get lost.  So if you want to know what's what then check out The Complete Guide to  Bible Translations compiled by Ron Rhodes.  Know your Bible!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

To Begin Again!

Clean Slate

And so it begins
A time to
make things new.
To start again.
To begin again.
To make things better
You hope.
Instead of making
things worse.
Doing the same things
over and over again.
Knocking your head
against the wall.

@JoSH Popcorn Poetry

It's a brand new year!  So make the most of it.  Fill this year with good friends and lots of cheer!  Be courageous!  Be of good character!  Be filled with faith, hope, and love!  Respect yourself!  Respect others!  Don't be desperate!  Be kind!  Have fun!  Laugh out loud!