Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lies of Inception

Deceptive Calm

A lie
a lie
a lie.

You think
your lies
won't be
found out
but they are.

can be
But God

He knows
and you know
the guilt
will wear
you down.

God will
show the world
your lie.  

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

It's always so surprising to me how some people find it so easy to lie.  They lie to their family and their friends about the little things.  Exactly what is it you value? 

I remember this one girl tell me that she was so proud of herself because she stole a book.  I was like wow!  You're proud of stealing?  People who value honesty and integrity are probably wondering like when did stealing become something to be proud of?

Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Constitution

We the People

Do you ever wonder what our forefathers would think if they saw all the happenings of the last decade?  Our world...  Our country is definitely not what it used to be...  Lately you hear about earthquakes, wars, terrorists, weather patterns...  Do you remember the sinkhole in Baltimore?  At what point will out earth cease to exist as we know it?

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Deena Burnett

Fighting Back

Do you believe in everyday heroes?  Sometimes you hear about them and sometimes you don't.  Our country has never been the same since 9/11 has it?  Terrorism has become an everyday thing it seems:  Somewhere in the world something happens whether it be big or small.  Do you remember life before 9/11?  What a totally different world.  Travel was so different.  You didn't have to take off your shoes or your jacket...  Terrorism bites...

Monday, May 15, 2017

Someone Is...

The Predator

I see you...
You see me...
I feel
an undercurrent
of fear.

You want
what you
can't have.
You force
selfish desires.

I ignore you.
I see past you.
I act as if
I don't
see you.

I know
by my
gut instinct
the evil
within you.

Are you
a bully?
Who do
you think
you are?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Unfortunately there are people out there that are either clueless or have no idea what boundaries are.  A guy walked past me muttering that he couldn't believe that I was so stupid that I didn't know that I was being hit on.  I was thinking I wouldn't date you if you were the last man on earth.  There are guys that think they are studs because they have slept with so many women.  You know what the difference is between a prostitute and a whore?  Usually a prostitute has no choice but a whore does.  A predator is more into quantity than quality.  All women are at risk that are in close proximity to one either through work, etc.  And it works both ways because some women are predators too.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The "O" Drama

Pretzel Legacy

beyond belief...
Not knowing
the truth.

A pretzel
is better
when salty,
not bland.

A pretzel
know better,
not bad.

A pretzel
needs to
the love.

The good
stays good
should never
be twisted
to bad.
Why is our world
so twisted now?
Upside down...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Unfortunately not everyone that leads leaves behind a legacy to be proud of.  Where is the right in turning the right side up upside down?  In making the illegal legal and the legal illegal?  What is this doing to our country?  What has it done to us?

Who is the leader of the violent?  Why be violent?  You can tell about a leader by the followers?  Are the followers sore losers or are the followers not?  What kind of influence does a leader have?  If the followers are going crazy out of their minds with violence then the violence must stop!  When did civilization stop being civilized...  Are you proud of your actions?  Is that who you are?  A violent person? 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dr O S Hawkins

The Jesus Code

Do you have a question?  Do you know the answer?  This is a book that answers some of the questions that you may have.  God bless!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Andy Andrews

The Noticer

If you ask for anything, ask for wisdom!  A major point that Andy makes is the a good intention never amounts to anything without a positive action.  If you only think it but never act on it nothing happens.  Look inside yourself if you are meant to do something, do it.  Make your actions count. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

Dr Tammy Smith

Soul Healing

Do you know what your soul is?  There were experiments done regarding what happens to the soul when our bodies die.  Well this author wants to help you with your soul while you are still living.  We see ourselves everyday, the outward side, but we really have no way of knowing what is inside each of us unless we share.  So maybe it's time to share...

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Renee Bondi

The Last Dance but Not the Last Song

Sometimes in life people experience tragedy but instead of letting it get the best of them they rise above.  Read about this woman's journey after her bizarre accident.  You can also read what happened through her husband's perspective.  What makes the difference between someone who can rise above and someone who gives into the darkness?  What would you have done had this happened to you?

Monday, May 1, 2017

May Haiku

May Day

A rainy day in May.
Endless possibilities...
A new beginning.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Take charge of your life!  It's a new month and a new day and you can do anything you set your mind too.  Remember to be alert for open doors in your life and be careful of who you allow into your life because if you are the composite of the five people you hang out with most...  then take careful inventory of these five people and is this who you want to be?  There is a difference between who you put into your inner circle and who you are helping:  The difference between tax collectors, prostitutes, and disciples.  Does that make sense?