Wednesday, February 28, 2018

David Green

"Giving It All Away...

 and Getting It All Back Again..."  This is the next book on my "must read" list.  There is a verse in Malachi that basically says that if you tithe to God he will bless you more than you can know.  This is a struggle for people that are going through a tough time and can't even afford the necessities of life.  However Bobby Schuller says to lean into the hard times because that is when you really need to and God takes care of his own. 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Billy Crone

The Character of God

Who is God?  What are his qualities?  Is he just?  Is he good?  He was, he is, and he is yet to come...  Is your mind able to fathom the existence of God?  Or are you an atheist or and agnostic?  Are you willing to take that risk of not believing and the consequences thereof? 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Billy Graham

Nearing Home

Billy Graham has passed away today at the age of 99.  Headlines have been all over the news and people are tweeting condolences, etc.  This is a bittersweet moment as Billy has now entered his heavenly home but at the cost of leaving his earthly home where he will be sorely missed I'm sure. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Line of Duty

Everyday Heroes

The uniform
a promise
to protect
and to serve.

A public
who has
a servant's

Coast Guard,
Heroes all!

To risk
and to die
for a country:
A community

Rest in Peace.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

We lose everyday heroes everyday!  This country is not the safe haven it used to be.  Not since 9/11 and terrorism became a part of our everyday world.  Too much war and rumors of war...  just as we were told...  Blessings to the loved ones of the fallen!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fresh Rain

Fall On Me

Ever get lost
and keep trying
to find your way
but you just can't?

You walk in
circles and circles
to and fro.


You try looking
where you think
you will find it
only it's not there.

Then you try
and again...
Then just when
you give up hope.
You try one more time.
It's there.
It's always been there.
You just couldn't find it
Because you were
just a tad off course.
The rain made it difficult:
To seek and to find.
But you found it.
You found it!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Life is a series of finding and seeking for something that some of us can't define.  What is it you're looking for?  Do you feel lost?  How are you found?  Who knows where you are or what you're doing?  God knows...

Wednesday, February 14, 2018



"By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

Ash Wednesday coincides with Valentine's this year.  So you have choices of either doing one or the other or both depending on your preference.  So if you see anyone walking around with ashes that would be why.  Blessings!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Felicia Bond

The Day It Rained Hearts

Another holiday is coming upon us and people are celebrating hearts everywhere.  Exactly when did Valentine's Day begin?  Do you have anything to do for much celebrated day?  This year it's also Ash Wednesday...  Some of our holidays are getting double billing this year...  "God does have a sense of humor!"  Have a heart whatever you do!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Jay Payleitner

What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?

This book was recently recommended to me and it sounds like a good one.  We all go through life wondering if we have done everything we want to do before we die.  This is where the concept of the bucket list has become something that we all attain to depending on our own particular likes, etc.  Have you thought about your own bucket list?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Think of Roses...

Happy Hearts Month


Sheridan Voysey

Unseen Footprints

Life is more than we can ever comprehend in this lifetime and in this world but sometimes we see things that make us wonder and acknowledge that God exists.  Think about the miracles surrounding us and miracle of life:  That fact that our bodies heal and how complex a human being is.  "To be born in his image..."