Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lazy Saturdays...

This is a common feeling when you get lost doing something and then realize a part of your body has fallen asleep.  And the electric feeling you feel like pins and needles when your body part comes awake.  Owww!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sticks and Stones...

Breaking Bones...

2000 and fourteen
The year of Obamacare:
Do we care
Do we not
Because we are forced 
to make a decision?
About our health
our aging bodies
bedridden diseases
and broken bones?
What happened
to red, white, and blue?
The land of the free
and home of the brave?
Are we even free anymore?
Do we have freedom of speech?
Freedom of press?
Freedom of religion?
Are we dwindling into nothingness?  
Observable by all
as not USA?

I decided to pen this peom in honor of the ambivalence that this new healthcare law is bringing out in the people of the United States... 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Madeleine L'Engle

A Wrinkle in Time

If you like science fiction, then you will like these books.  I read these all years ago and they are riveting to the point that you can't put your book down.  You will want to read them from start to finish. 

Unfortunately Madeleine L'Engle passed away in 2007.  I would have loved meeting her. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

World Poetry Day!

Guess what today is?  


World Poetry Day!

World Poetry Day!

World Poetry Day!

Enjoy poetry today!  Enjoy it everyday!

Life is but a dream they say!
So mayhap it's time we're on our way!
To do what we must do each day!
Because it is today!

World Poetry Day!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lucy Maud Montgomery

"Twilight drops her curtain down, and pins it with a star."

The above quote is by Lucy Maud Montgomery. L. M. Montgomery is the famous Canadian author who wrote Anne of Green Gables.  "Anne with an E" is an orphan that is adopted by a brother and sister to help around the farm as they are both getting older.  In time, they grow to love Anne, however Anne does have a propensity for getting into trouble.  I read this whole series when I was younger and really enjoyed them. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Valentine's Day Story

Sushi Love

Toro and Tamago...
Side by side...   
One fatty tuna wearing his sexy tie!
And one good egg wearing her yellow!

Adventures galore
For this gallivanting couple
In seaweed infested waters. 
Where are they off to next?
Will they go house hunting?

Toro likes to do the couch potato
Watching episodes of hoarders
Catching glimpses of soiled diapers
While eating bread slathered in butter.
Me thinks he needs an intervention!

Tamago likes life on the run!
She hangs out with Toro
And her gal pals too!
Sometimes she gets creative
And works on her projects.

How will this Valentine's story end?
Will this couple decide to
Get together for now,
Forever and Always?
Hmm...  St Patrick's Day is coming up!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

If you do then you will know what "toro" and "tamago" mean.  This was a funny poem I wrote about someone I was going out with once.  This poem is dedicated to "Toro."  It's funny how anything in life can become a poem.  Just a twist of fate or a play on words...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Leprechaun Haiku!

Just a little ditty...

Leprechaun looking
high and low in green meadows
for his pot of gold.

It's hard to believe it's almost St. Patrick's Day!  Enjoy the day if you're Irish or just happen to think you're Irish.  We won't hold it against you! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Busy People

We are a busy society and we are always doing stuff.  Do you ever take time out to just feel the moment?  The weather was so nice today and yet I didn't enjoy the weather.  Why didn't I?  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Poem by Anonymous...

Broken Dreams

As children bring their broken toys
With tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God
Because He was my friend.

But then instead of leaving Him
In peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help
With ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back and cried,
"How could you be so slow?"
"My child," He said, "what could I do?"
"You never did let go." 

This is an anonymous poem that I found when I was in Hawaii years ago.  I came across this poem in a little shop one day.  It's kind of like that quote that states if you look at a closed door too long you will never notice the open window.  Try not to spend your life wallowing in regrets.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Xerxes, King of Persia & his Queen Esther

A Love Not Understood

A king of battle, blood, and gore
born to ostentatious opulent luxury
was Xerxes, more god than king, of Persia
which puzzles me all the more.

Why Esther became his queen
also known as Hadassah, an orphan
a mere girl full of innocence
and none more pure to be seen. 

How did this conquering king of war
and his simple Jewish bride
become part of a timeless love story
woven through the tapestry of lore?

A queen who knew about a secret
of a hidden people that was hers
that prayed to a mighty God and King
of heaven and not of this earth yet.

For as Mordecai, her uncle,
relayed to Queen Esther when they spoke
your destiny by God as queen
was made for this debacle.

So Queen Esther sacrificed her life
to visit King Xerxes unsummoned
and to invite him to a banquet
where she planned to share her strife.

If I perish so be it, I must die
but I must die trying to save a people
that God ordained to worship
him only instead of living a lie. 

King Xerxes who was knowingly feared
held out his scepter to one he held dear
and accepted Queen Esther's
simple request and greatly revered.

A mighty king and a simple girl
were married in a love story
instead of two ships passing in the night
as some great loves become a twirl.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

When I watched the movie 300:  The Rise of an Empire, I did not realize that King Xerxes in the movie was the same King Xerxes that Esther married.  That interesting fact made me view the movie in a whole new light because you see how King Xerxes is portrayed as a godking?  Esther was a simple Jewish girl and she became the wife of this king.  Do you see the irony and the miracle in this story?  This was her destiny.

The Battle of Salamis

To Defend a Kingdom

Kingdom against Kingdom
were the Persians and the Greeks.
Greeks defending a Persian invasion
resulting in great sea battle leaks.

A sea of frothing madness
brings forth every blood and gore
and a piercing anguishing sadness
to the very heart of its human core.

The Battle of Salamis
proved pivotal in history
because without this Greek triumph
our civilization would never be.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

This poem was written after having seen the Movie:  300:  Rise of an Empire.  This battle was a moment in historyI could not get the graphic pictures out of the my mind.  It was a bit of history coming alive for me.

Monday, March 10, 2014

My Attempt at Prose...


Sometimes I wish I could go off to a faraway place where no one knows me like a mermaid venturing onto dry land.  Where I can come and go as I wish with no one being the wiser as if I were a famous movie star hiding from my fans.  I like my life and I enjoy my family and friends but sometimes I relish the idea of venturing into the unknown and meeting people I’ve never seen or met before.  I’m extremely partial to the idea of happening upon a handsome stranger, by chance.  Our eyes would meet across a wide expanse of time and space and we would both be shaken to our very core like an earthquake occurring out of nowhere without warning or red flags.  We would slowly start meandering towards each other like bumblebees grazing on flowers.  Would there be a sting?  Ouch!  Sometimes…  You never really know.  Life can be antiseptic and secure like a medicinal wall cabinet or your world can be full of color like a rainbow of emotions if you only let go and if you’re willing to take a risk. 

This piece was done for a writing class and was one of my few attempts at prose.  I still need to practice and develop my writing more.  I feel like there is so much I want to do but just not enough time.  And time goes so very fast, doesn't it?  Like sands sifting through the hourglass...  

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Frog Prince?

A Fairy Godmother

I sit in dust and tatters while hearing
The giggles and prattling of my stepsisters
As they get ready for the ball.

No going to a ball for me!  Instead
I gather all the peas and carrots
My stepmother has thrown onto the floor.

Through my self-pitying tears, I glimpse
A shimmer that dazzles like many sunlit raindrops,
Then the metamorphosis begins
Like a butterfly emerging from it’s cocoon.

A pumpkin turns into a coach and my many mouse
Friends become a driver, footman, and horses too!
I, myself, spin around in wonder to find myself
Changed from an ugly duckling into a swan!

Will my dreams finally come true?
Will I get my heart’s desire?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

I wrote this poem while in a writing class.  Writing classes give you ideas to write about.  I've always enjoyed fairy tales as a kid and this is a poem about Cinderella.  I remember dreaming about my prince charming when I was younger.  They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince.  Unfortunately that is very true but I have met some very nice frogs on the way.   

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Oh, oh, oh! Not that short!

bits n pieces

running in late
sitting on a chair
hair getting washed
snip snip snip

so much hair
lying all around
roundabout the chair
in bits and pieces

not as much hair
attached to my head
loads lighter
feels light as a feather

now all i do is wait
till it's time
to do it again
snip snip snip

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

This poem was written spur of the moment.  A friend of mine told me about a salon needing hair models so I decided to give them a try just to see plus it's a way to save money.  The haircut was a lot shorter than I'm used to so I'm still getting used to it.  However friends have told me my hair looks cute.  One cool thing about hair is that even if it is a bad cut, hair grows back.  Whew!  Right?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Don't eat the apple!

Forbidden Fruit

Adam and Eve 
living in paradise 
yet curious   
about the tree   
in the middle   
bearing fruit 
they must never eat.

The serpent hissed
"Eve eat the apple.  
The only reason  
God forbade 
you this fruit 
was because   
he knew how wise 
it would make you so."

So Eve ate   
and shared the apple   
with Adam   
who ate it too!    
Eyes finally opened 
they looked at each other   
naked and  devoid of innocence.  

"Now we know 
more than we should:  
More than God   
would have us be.
Our eyes have been opened  
and Pandora's box broken.
And now it's time to leave  
our paradise forever." 

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

This poem was inspired by a writing group I joined recently.  We were given a number of writing prompts that got our creative juices going and this is what I came up with.  It's the age old story of Adam and Eve set in a poem.     

Dedication Page

Believe in Yourself!

Every person you meet has a story.  You have a story.  I have a story.  That's what is so unique about meeting another person.  You get to learn about someone else's story.  And the thing about stories is that all stories are unique.  No one story is the same.  Yes, some stories overlap or have things in common but ultimately we each have our own original story to share.  

My poetry is like telling a story.  I take real life events and intertwine them into the words that form a poem.  This blog is dedicated to sharing my poems as well as a collection of my favorite writings from favorite authors.  

I'd like to dedicate this blog to my family, friends, and every one of you out there that has a dream that they have yet to follow.  Most people who have made it in life had someone in their life tell them that they would never make it.  Don't let someone else tell you that you can't do something.  You can do anything.  You just have to believe in yourself!  Surround yourself with friends that believe in you and your dreams!  

Thank you for reading my blog!  I hope that you will get something from it.  In addition to this blog showcasing poetry, I also have another blog that is a little bit of everything:  A writing journal of sorts.  I share excerpts from my life:  past and present.  I also share information that is handy to know depending on what you need to know but didn't know already.