Monday, February 27, 2017

In The News

Celebrity Noise Network

Ace reporter
reporting the news,
but without 
making the news
a reporting
of his own views,
along the way.
You expect this
from a comedienne
but not from
who should have
You hope.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Sometimes you wonder about the way television news reporting has evolved.  Over the years some news sources that you once highly respected, you now wonder about when they report the news because political opinions are pretty obvious.  There are many platforms in which you can air your opinions but if you're reporting the news then be fair and report the facts and tell the whole truth and not just a part that would take something out of context that was not meant to be taken that way.  For instance, lately there has been all this controversy over the travel ban.  This travel ban was not permanent but for like thirty or forty days.  Think of all the trouble that was taken to stop this when it was for a short time and at this point would have expired on its own.  Was it possible that the government knew about a security threat to our nation and wanted to keep us safe?  A lot of energy and anger is being directed at something that is going to be a blip in our nation's history.  Really?  See how adding a time frame totally changes the context of what is going on? 

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Falling Asleep

We have but
one life to live.
Some have
more time
than others.
Some babies
live for a day
and are
no longer.
Some babies
are born and
live to be children.
Some grow
to be teenagers.
Some babies
grow up
and live
a full life.
Falling asleep
when they are finished
with their life's work.
Falling asleep
is the metamorphosis
to an eternal life...
An eternal life
you choose
depending on
what you decide
before you sleep.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I remember watching Ghost one summer in Michigan.  What a tearjerker.  Good versus evil runs rampant as a common theme throughout our movies.  You either see a white light and get taken into heaven or you see dark demons that drag you into hell according to this movie.

I was at a funeral today for a friend's Dad.  He lived a full life and leaves a living legacy made up of a wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  It made me think of my own Dad that passed.  I miss him.  I miss my Mom too.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Scott Magoon


Want to read a book about independence?  This sounds like a cute one:  Very witty, clever, and amusing.  This author likes to use kitchen utensils in her books.  I like the title because I like using chopsticks for yummy Asian food.

Erich Segal

Love Story

This is a classic romance novel about two people falling in love who come from opposite worlds.  Why is it that the Romeo and Juliet theme is so prevalent in love stories?  Are we simply suckers for punishment?  One thing I will say is that opposites do attract and you just might realize that your strengths offset his weaknesses and vice versa.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Moment of Destiny

Destiny Moment

I am living my life
and I run smack dab
into you
quite by chance.
You doing
what you do.
And ditto for me.
But today
of all days
I crossed paths
with you.
And my life
will never
be the same
ever forever
For you are
my ever after.
Forever and
a day.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Sometimes you just never know what a day is going to throw at you:  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  Don't you wish you had a warning of when something was going to happen?  But then where would be the surprise?  The serendipitous moment when you lock eyes with someone across a room and meet for the first time.  This poem is an idea of what I think it would feel like.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shades of Pink

A Shade Lighter

Why go darker
when you can 
go lighter?
Sparkle and shine?
So let your light
so shine.
Be salt and light.
Go salty. 
I need salt.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

We live in dark times.  I read news about the child abuse and exploitation that goes on in this country.  What is moral versus immoral?  What goes on behind closed doors?  We need light in this dark world.  These are indeed dark times.

Friday, February 10, 2017



I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

When you read this what do you think?  It's true, isn't it.  Sometimes we find ourselves doing things we don't want to do.  Why?  Because we are human.  So therein lies our own personal conundrum.  Our own personal enemy resides within.  So rise above...

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Living With Secrets

A Paradox

Looking within,
Living without...
My thought life
is alive
with imagery,
the should ofs
and could ofs
of life.
I put it aside.
Think no evil.
See no evil.
Do no evil.
Free will is
a God-given right.
I can choose
what I do
and when I do it
and who I do it with.
What will I choose
to do?
A privilege
with consequences.
What will I do?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Our life is of our own making.  You can choose to do the right thing or the wrong thing.  Every decision we make matters.  Each decision will cause a domino effect.  You can choose wisely or you can live with regret.  You are the master of your own fate.  Choose wisely.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Fernando Pessoa

The Book of Disquiet

This is a book about boredom.  It can be read in pieces and parts.  Evidently this poet had a very unique style of writing making the use of heteronyms:  Kind of like see and sea or main and mane.  Interesting!  Learn something new everyday.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sydney Finkelstein

Why Smart Executives Fail

Some people learn by example and study successful people and some people learn by others mistakes so you learn what not to do.  Sometimes learning by trial and error can be a good thing and if you bypass it altogether because someone already learned that mistake then all the better. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Woods Meander

Remember the Good Times

Real Love

Love is...

Love is
Love is
what's best
for someone else.
Love is watching
over your children.
Love is watching
over your spouse.
Love is caring
more about
the other person
rather than yourself.
Love is to hurt
rather than
to see those
you love hurt.
Love is kind.
Love just is.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

I'm a people watcher like writers tend to be and sometimes I'm amazed at how some people truly don't know how precious love is with who they are already with.

I see a woman who has the security of a loving husband but all she does is talk about another guy all the time.  She keeps inviting this guy to do things with her and her husband.  What is foolish?  To risk the love of a husband and child for mere attention from another guy.  And why would a guy who is married to someone else indulge her this way?  God have mercy on their souls because if they follow through on their attraction they will surely bring the wrath of God upon them.  Adultery is a cardinal sin. I have heard that it is common for married people to develop crushes on other people but what is wise and what is foolish?  The wise thing to do is to flee temptation, not indulge in it.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Hoedown Haiku

Do Si Do

Bow to your partner.
Grab an arm.  Shake a leg.  Hey!
Country music dance.

@JoSH Popcorn Poetry

So my resolution this year is to find new things to do that are somewhat out of the ordinary.  So I invited some friends to a country hoedown.  We had pizza and lots of goodies.  One of my friends even won a raffle prize.  The rest of the night was spent laughing and dancing.  Hee Haw!