Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Year Haiku

Frogging It

Green leap year ahead
No Kermit the Frog in sight
Just flies being tongue zapped.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Well what can I say?  February is coming to a close and we have a pretty green month coming right around the corner.  Let's hope that spring is not that far behind.  I have to admit that this winter was not quite what I expected:  Lots of mild days and not that much snow.  :)

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Marika & Howard Stone

Too Young to Retire

This is another great book to read!  You'll get many ideas of what to do with all that free time.  Who doesn't want to retire?  Think about how much fun you could have.  I know retirement can be as fun as you make it so don't waste another minute of it.  Go out and carpe diem!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Barbara Winter

Making a Living Without a Job

I got to meet and sit in on a seminar given by Barbara Winter years ago.  I think she even signed the book I bought from her.  It's always to cool to meet real authors and to find out all about the books they write.  I actually took this book with me while traveling in California.  I have memories of sitting in a sunny square just reading in the sun.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Michael J Tougias & Casey Sherman

The Finest Hours

If you like reading better than watching a movie then check out The Finest Hours.  This book is the true story of daring Coast Guardsmen who set out to sea risking their own live to save other lives.  A truly successful heroic effort!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Jackie Kendall

Lady in Waiting

I was talking to a friend recently that had read this book and she recommended it to me.  It's another book for me to add to my already big pile of books but if you haven't figured it out already, I am a bookworm.  Now if I only had the time to read...  More that is!

Jackie also has a ministry called Power to Grow.  She is a much sought after speaker.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Carl Sandburg

"Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what is seen during the moment."

Are you a poet or a songwriter?  Then you know that when you write poems or songs there is often a hidden meaning:  An inspiration.  You as the reader or listener need to figure out what that message is if you so choose.  You can read poetry as is or you can delve into it's hidden meanings.  I think Carl Sandburg said this well.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Been There Done That

One Slow Wink

when you least expect it
you meet someone
out there

A flirt!
A gentleman...
A man of the world...
A friend...
My friend!

you spend time with
sharing stories
and what ifs...

Until one day it's time to part
as friends...
With fond remembrance.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

There are times in my life when I feel that God is truly watching out for me because it seems that sometimes in my most bleakest moments, God sends me someone to help me through the trying times.  I remember meeting someone while I was dealing with one of my worst bosses ever and he made a world of difference to me.  He shifted my focus from my horrible boss to having one of the best times in my life.  There are some people you meet in life that you are truly glad you got to know better.  So cheers to you!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sumalith Ish-Kishor

Appointment With Love

There are some stories that you read that you never forget.  This is one of them.  I read this story years ago and was always intrigued by it.  Do you know why?  

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Helen Keller

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”

Think about this quote...  What does this mean?  If you keep looking backward you can never go forward.  It's true, isn't it?  So...  Let go of the past and start taking one step at a time to a better tomorrow.  However live fully in the present.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bill Hybels


Do you know what it means to declutter your life?  Every year we spring clean our closets but do we spring clean our lives?  Think about it!  We all have work, family, friends, social activities, meetings, homework, church, etc.  However what should we really be doing?  I began reading Bill Hybels' Simplify because I think I really need to.  So do some friends that I know.  It's ironic how we can get caught up in the rat race of life even when we are doing good.  So slow down!  Breathe in!  Breathe out!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hog Haiku

What a Hog!

Groundhog day shadow
yes no why not a hedgehog
instead of a pig?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Life is going to happen whether or not a groundhog sees his shadow.  So go out there and live your life to the fullest because whether you realize it or not life is passing you by:  Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.  Tick tock tick tock...  Come on!  Get a move on!  Carpe diem!