Saturday, March 31, 2018

Silver Sneakers

Sneaky Seniors...  Shhh...

The things you do
when no one's looking.
The life you've led...
The life you lead...
You've been through the best.
You've been through the worst.
But when you get
that faraway gleam...
in your eye...
it's because...
you know you laughed,
you danced the night away,
you fell in love with your sweetheart,
and you've lost some loves
which broke your heart.
Life didn't batter you down.
You became a better you.  
You're still You despite
what life has thrown at you.
Believe in You
because you're still You!
And that's your secret...
And no one can take that away...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Age makes you better not worse.  In Asian countries, your elders are the wise ones.  Everyone has a story and believe you me, the Seniors you know have some stories to tell you if you would only listen.  They've led extraordinary and colorful lives and it's always a treat to spend time with them.  It's like reading a favorite book come to life.  Plus you just might learn something worthwhile...


Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday

Virginia Parrish

The Light of the World

Have you ever seen stained glass windows?  They can be found in many churches:  Multi-colored and telling a story...  What is the greatest story ever told?  There will come a time when it will be too late based on the decisions you make in this life...  I just hope you don't realize too late the decision you should have made before the end happens...

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Grace Byers

I Am Enough

I was flipping through a magazine tonight and came across this book.  You realize that we are all unique in our cultures and ethnic backgrounds however we are also all the same:  We are all human.  We all have struggles and hardships that we go through. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Dannah Gresh

The Spirit of the Lord

I heard this author speak tonight and she is a phenomenal speaker.  She is also very funny and I found out that we both graduated from the same alma mater.  In fact there was a little cheering section from our university there.  I have to admit that college life was fun:  Late night studies, pizza parties, meeting people in the dorms, black squirrels, provolone cheese...  There were a lot of movers and shakers at our university.  Life was not dull by a long shot...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Belle's Decision

To Tame a Beast

The Beast
is a solitary figure
living in a
self-inflicted prison
and alone...
we don't know why...

Belle is
a young girl
who was
not the quite
the norm
but was ready
for something...

A chance meeting,
a destiny moment,
a possibility...
love happens
when it happens
not a moment

when it comes to love,
Timing is everything...
Love either happens
or it becomes lost.
Who knows why?
But it does...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

When you think of all the great love stories, love doesn't always come softly, sometimes love comes with a fight...  Sometimes you have to circle each other cautiously before giving in to the feelings inside.  Think of The Sound of Music, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, and of course Belle and the Beast.

Attraction says yes...
Logic says no...
To always err on the side of caution...
Best Regards to those who take the risk! 
Those are happiest who follow their hearts when it comes to love!  :)

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sad Eyes

Do You See Me?

Here I sit
watching you
watching me...
With sad eyes...
You think
I don't understand
or know
what's going on
because my body
doesn't want to
cooperate with
what I want
it to do.
I speak
but my words
come out garbled
and my actions
are choppy
and abrupt.
I can't make you see me.
I can't make you hear me.
I can't make you understand me.
Please see me.
Please hear me.
Please understand me.
You know me...

See Me!

 @JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

The aging process is not an easy one to experience and some age better than others and some age worse.  Some of the aging population experience conditions that make it difficult to move and speak:  Things that many of us take for granted.  If you are an independent person then you find yourself having to depend on others to do what you can't do for yourself anymore.  Learn to empathize because one day that person may be you.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Spring Forward Haiku

Time Flies Forward

It's that time again
to spring forward like we do
every year and now.

 @JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

It is that time once again.  We lose an hour tonight and have to get up earlier tomorrow.  ZZZzzzz...  This will be tough for some but easier for others and a small segment of the population may not even have to change their clocks at all.  People that fly coast to coast must get confused. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

C S Lewis

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

What if your life was a series of adventures and if you found yourself in another life very different from your usual one.  What if there were portals into other lives just by walking through a wardrobe?  The relationship between time and space can be an unusual adventure in and of itself.  Ever think about another time in another space? 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Jenny Joseph

"When I Am Old I Shall Wear Purple"

A dear friend loves this book of poems.  People who love books get along with each other.  We share a love for the written word that is not so cherished in the age of technology and lightning speed internet.  Can you tell I am a bookworm at heart?