Thursday, November 21, 2019


And No Sensibility

Two sisters
wandering around
in the rain
chasing blue skies...
Running down a hill
but falling over
and twisting an ankle
Along comes
a handsome stranger
astride a
powerful horse.
Bending down
he examines
the injured foot
and thus
love begins...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Well...  sometimes this is how love begins...  Romantic with a handsome rescuer...  However good beginnings don't always result in happy endings.  Keep your senses about you because you may realize that the person you met is not what they seem.  Beware of hidden agendas!  As some people may not be interested in you for you.  Or they may be but something is still more important than you:  Like money, looks, etc.  Regret is something that one doesn't realize until you have lived the regret... 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility

A story about three sisters, two of whom are of an age to marry, meet men, and fall in love:  Sometimes with the right one and sometimes not.  Remember to choose wisely...  because if you don't your life will be a living hell.  What is the first sign of a character flaw?  A deliberate lie...  with an intention to deceive...  not being forgetful or changing your mind...  use your common sense on this one...  :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dirty Rotten Scroundrels

Wolves in Disguise

Be wary of wolves
that come
in sheep's clothing...
They may come
as the nicest guys
in the world
but watch for the signs:

A guy worth having
doesn't have to
lie about himself.
He just is...
Don't let yourself settle...
You're worth more than you know...
And be strong in yourself
and your identity... 
Don't let a hidden wolf
define who you are...
because he lives
in a world of make-believe... 
You either join his fantasy
or you give him the boot!
Personally I would
just kick him to the curb!
With the biggest pair
of boots you own...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Some guys just like to say anything...  Some gals too...  Be discerning and wise...  Trust your gut instinct...  Don't let yourself get into a bind that you won't easily get out of.  Always be cautious and take things slow...  There are guys and gals out there who are desperate...  Always be wary of a guy that wants to marry you too soon...  It is not a good sign...  Desperation reeks of wolves in disguise... 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Tale

Of the Mixed Up Doppelganger

What if
you had a doppelganger
that looked exactly like you?
What if this doppelganger
had the same name as you?
Wouldn't life be a coincidence?
What would you do?
What would happen
if you and your doppelganger
got mixed up
in each others lives?
What if the people you know met her?
What if the people she knew met you?
What would you do?
Life would be comedic
or disastrous
if the people you knew
didn't know you
were you...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Hmmm...  interesting thought...  However I have had friends tell me that I have a doppelganger and she has the same name as me...  What a coincidence...  What do you do when there is somebody out there that looks just like you?  Doesn't that sound like a question Mr Rogers would ask?  Be sure to check out the latest movie and remember to ask someone to be your neighbor today...  Just not the doppelganger as it's bad luck to meet yours.  :D

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hrvoje Sirovina & Robert Henderson

Redeeming Your Bloodline

Healing comes in many levels:  Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual.  Sometimes things that were meant to be your destiny are stolen from you...  We live in a world where spiritual warfare is the new battleground...  And horror movies are becoming the norm and not just around Halloween...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Be Brave

Be Strong

Love found early in life
and joined together in matrimony
but lost when
death does part.

Death parts lovers
all the time.
Some before marriage
and some after.

But love lost
through death
is not forever
is it?

If love exists
then it goes
on forever
in memories lived.

And if you believe
then you will spend eternity
with loved ones
that believed.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Recently I had the opportunity to see a movie preview of I Still Believe.  It is the story of love found and lost by Jeremy Camp.  Sometimes we don't understand why we lose the love of our lives but what we see in part, God sees in whole.  And then God sometimes gives us another love.  Never underestimate the capacity of the heart and how much love it can hold.

I have met a number of women who have shared their stories of men they have lost after years of marriage or just a happenstance meeting.  Some women choose not to love again and that is their choice.  Just because you see someone single now doesn't mean that they don't have a love story in their lives.  Just because...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Debbie Alsdorf


I recently got to hear this author speak at a women's event.  She shared her story.  Each of us have a story to tell.  We have each gone through out own struggles to get to where we are now.  Whenever you see a successful woman you see a woman who has overcome many failures and criticisms.  However the journey we go through makes us the women we are.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bob Burg & John David Mann

The Go-Giver

Ever wonder about what the secret to success really is?  Keep giving it away...  Really!!!  That's it!  Anything you keep for yourself will never go anywhere but the more you give away the more you get.  It's an interesting concept isn't it?  Try it!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr

Loving Your Enemies

“To our most bitter opponents we say: ‘We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws, because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. Throw us in jail, and we shall still love you. Bomb our homes and threaten our children, and we shall still love you. Send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our community at the midnight hour and beat us and leave us half dead, and we shall still love you. But be ye assured that we will wear you down by our capacity to suffer. One day we shall win freedom, but not only for ourselves. We shall so appeal to your heart and conscience that we shall win you in the process, and our victory will be a double victory.’

I heard this quote this weekend at church and thought it was a remarkable quote.  Not many of us have the willingness or the capacity to love like this.  And yet change happens when a truly evil person finds forgiveness and unconditional love in the most unlikely places.  When humans fail us there is only one place to go.