Friday, August 31, 2018

Is this who you want to be?

Serpent Strands

The serpent hissed...
Be Shallow...
And Selfish...
I want what you want...
And I'll give you
what you want
in exchange
for your soul...
That's all I want...
All I've ever wanted...
From You!
Your Soul!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

There are many people who think that treasures here on earth are worth giving up their soul for but do you think it's worth it?  What about the Witch of Wall Street?  She died with billions but lived a pauper her whole life...  She now resides in hell due to her love of money.  Exactly what good did it do her?  Don't be deceived...  Your soul is worth eternity however you get to choose where...  Free will!  You get to choose...

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Kevin Kwan

Crazy Rich Asians

How would you like to be crazy rich?  Enough to have a wedding where you walk through water?  This book was turned into a movie and it takes place in Singapore.  When I think of Singapore I think of Dubai.  Both are very rich cities.  One of my best friends has a brother that lives in Singapore.  Can you imagine a hotel with a boat on top? 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Ann Spangler

She Who Laughs Lasts!

Sometimes you need a chuckle...  After all, laughter is the best medicine so they say!  Think what our world would be like if we never laughed...  Chuckle, chuckle...  Ha, ha...  He, he...  LOL!  Because we really need to...  :D


Monday, August 20, 2018

Laura Hillenbrand


Do you know any war veterans?  Do you ever think about what they went through during the war?  Especially if they were a prisoner of war?  How many in the military went missing in action only to come back to life to a life they did not think they would ever see again?  How did they endure the torture and then to relive it through dreams and nightmares... 

How do they go on?  Do you ever think about them?  Read about it in the book and watch the movie...  Do you know who Louis Zamperini is? 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Do they know what they are doing?

Fields in the West

A phone call here...
A phone call there...
Playing phone tag
all week long...
a connection...
Then an email...
And an investigation...
Still waiting...
And waiting still...
Am I being given
the runaround
or is the end result
going to be
the right result?
You always
expect the best
of a ray of sunshine
but what if the ray
is one of impending doom?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Ever have a customer service nightmare?  When the people who are supposed to do the right thing are actually giving you the runaround?  I have been in different situations throughout my lifetime but you know the difference between good customer service and bad customer service...  I have never heard of an insurance company that did not thank you for submitting information to them or for cooperating in an investigation.  And at the very least you expect them to do the right thing even when their client is doing a very bad thing.  Hmmm...  waiting...  waiting still... 

Tom Gaskins

"I forgive, but I also learn a lesson.  I won't hate you, but I'll never get close enough for you to hurt me again.  I can't let my forgiveness become foolishness."

This resonates with me on so many levels because even the Bible teaches that we are to forgive but it doesn't mean that we have to be in relationship with the people that have hurt us.  God doesn't say that we have to be in relationship with people who abuse us.

I think its enlightening to see the lengths that people will go to protect themselves and the lies they tell.  I remember working for this woman years ago who would get on my case for the stupidest littlest things.  She actually was planning to write me up because she said my stapler was too loud.  I remember asking her is she was prejudiced against Asians.  Do you know what her response was?   Her boss put me on a one-time notice for asking that question.  Now this was the same boss that she said had been harassing her however she cried the day he got fired.  And I remember watching her talking to him one day in a meeting.  She stooped down and looked up at him and it didn't look to me like he had been harassing her.  However who is to say what indiscretions this woman was hiding.  She was married.  He was married.  But to other people.  She was blonde and he was African-American.  But for him to do what he did to me, she had to have meant something to him.  An indiscretion of the heart starts to unravel the soul.  They say you reap what you sow and this man and woman will one day see the destruction of their unjust actions.  If a baby results from an interracial affair then it has to die or the lie will be found out.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Simple Beauty


Anna Weston

What to Do with your Grocery Store Orchid

Orchids are amazingly beautiful but after receiving an orchid with multiple blooms are you ever able to get more blooms again?  It seems that orchids need a certain amount of light and tender loving care in order to get more blooms.  Orchids are very popular to say the least...  So Bloom Away!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

David Salyers & Dr Randy Ross


Do you like chicken?  Chicken sandwiches to be exact?  Then read about how Chick-fil-A instills certain leadership lessons that can be incorporated into the workplace, life, and relationships.  This book hones in on the values of creativity, positivity, sustainability, and responsibility.  Maybe we can think chickens instead of geese...  Which reminds me that I believe I actually saw a chicken on the grass while driving past yesterday...  It was brown with a red gobbler...  Not the gosling pictured...  Lol!

Friday, August 3, 2018



"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."

Sometimes in life we have to hurt the very people we care about...  We have to break the hearts of the people closest to us because...  it is better for a person to hear the truth from a friend then a plethora of false compliments from an enemy.  Remember the frenemy?  Beware...