Saturday, March 30, 2019

Jim Burgen

No More Dragons

Who are you?  Where have you been?  Are you happy with your life?  There are people that say there is NO God...  Are you happy believing this?  How do you contemplate the fact that you believe there is no life after death?  What if you're wrong?  Is that a risk you're willing to take?  Eternity is a long time to burn... 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


The Fires of Hell

Some say it doesn't exist...
Some say it does...
But who really knows?
Only the ones that have been there...
Have you been there?
Have you come back?
Remember the Rich Man?
He had it all...
Remember Lazarus?
He had nothing, nada...
And yet he ended up
where the rich man would never be.
Will you?
Or won't you?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Life is here...  Life is now...  Many are gone but many still remain...  There are bone-chilling stories of what hell is like.  Dante's Inferno gives an accurate description many say.  Where are you headed?  Do you even care?  There is a time when too late is too late...  Know what I mean?  

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Tanner Roberts

Dumb Politics

Don't you sometimes think that this country is going to hell in a handbasket?  Well between all the political rhetoric it sometimes feels that way.  Sometimes you think about what our government spends on political campaigning every election...  Our country is in serious debt...  Wouldn't it be nice if our politicians spent their campaign money where it is really needed?  Another thing...  depending on who supports what politician, what does that make a corrupt politician?  Sometimes a puppet for whoever is feeding him money...  However if you have enough of your own money then you really don't have to do anything that someone else wants you to do which is sometimes not a bad thing...  Because then you can't be bought off by someone who is corrupt!  Have you ever thought of that?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Ben Shapiro

Porn Generation

Do you realize that younger kids use the phone to send naked pics of themselves to other kids that they are interested in seriously or just for kicks?  That is a far cry from how things were years ago...  When we were younger some topics were simply taboo.  So what's going on now?  Have kids traded in their morality because they are in that big of a hurry to grow up?  I remember being a kid thinking having a job is going to be so much fun however when you grow up and realize what it entails to pay your bills then you think, "Oh to be a kid again!"  There is something wrong if a kid can't retain his innocence for as long as he can...

Monday, March 18, 2019

I Am What I Am

Am I really now?

I was thinking of oranges one day...
So what does that make me?
Are you going to label me
because I had a passing thought
about an orange?
Am I in love with this orange?
Or was I just thinking
that maybe having something
citrusy might be tasty?
Will I want one every day?
Will I want one once
and then never again?
Don't we have better things to do
than make up names for every idle thought
that runs through our minds?
Have we become that desperate,
or simply lame?
What once was is no longer...
Chaos and confusion reign
and it just keeps getting worse
day by day...
But why make it better?
Instead let's make it worse
and throw caution to the wind
because we are already brainwashed.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Life as we know it is coming to an end because our world is going down the drain of some maniacal rabbit hole that is going to result in utter chaos.  Rather than robots becoming like people we are becoming like robots:  No free speech because we all want to be just the same it appears.  We are becoming robots while robots are becoming us.  Like the little boy that pointed out to everyone that the emperor was walking around naked...  Someone needs to point out the truth!  We the people are the majority and not the minority that is trying to brainwash us into thinking there is something wrong with us.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Mark Batterson

"Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers. God isn’t offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is offended by anything less. If your prayers aren’t impossible to you, they are insulting to God."

When you think of impossible things, do you think you can overcome the impossible or do you think it's time to give up?  Do you know what a mighty God we serve?  Nothing is impossible with God!  Nothing! 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Philip Yancey

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Do you realize what a miracle our bodies are?  The way they can heal themselves over time?  Do you realize how unique we are?  People are not cookie cutter.  Just like the flowers and the trees.  How is it possible that we are all so unique?  Do you realize that each snowflake is unique?  How do you not see the truth?


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Land of Koalas


Koalas live an easy existence
sitting high upon the eucalyptus
in more ways than one.

Nothing bothers them...
Nothing fazes them...
Not while they're high...

So high that they don't
even notice the intruders
popping them one by one
into bags to be destroyed.
Led to the slaughter...
Instead they laugh
and they smile thinking
this is hide and seek.
Little do they know
this is their end.
The fate of the eucalyptus high!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Need I say more?

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dee Brestin

He Calls You Beautiful

Who doesn't want someone to call them beautiful?  The catch being that beauty is in the eye of the beholder...  It's not a literal term...  A baby is considered beautiful by those who love him or her.  A person burned by fire is still beautiful to the one that loves him or her.  Do you understand what true beauty is?