Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Fragility

Of Life


We ended life in 2019...
and lived in masks all of 2020...
What do we have to look forward to?
Yes we have our families 
and God does always 
work things for our good... 

But things are a happening...
Do you see what's going on?
The shenanigans of the world?

Are you planning 
to let life pass you by?  
Without putting up a fight?  

Have courage...
Have faith...
Because truth will prevail...

If God wills...


2021 may be the end...

Of life as we know it...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poet

Do you realize the difference between fantasy and reality?  Don't you think this world we have been living in for the past year is surreal?  Do you care?  If this was your last year on this earth do you want to do it living like this?  Beware of the guillotine...


Friday, November 27, 2020

Dr Judy Mikovits & Kent Heckenlively JD

Plague of Corruption

Do you know what is going on?  Or are you living with your head in the sand?  We are living in perilous times...  What happens if it gets worse and not better?  Then what?  For such a time as this?  Because if you want to live a life that you believe in then it's time to step up...

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Leon Chambers

The Years of the Beast

Do you know what the tribulation period is?  The tribulation period is described as a period of great suffering.  Ironically while watching the movie I noticed that some of the restrictions in this movie matched the restrictions we have with COVID...  Odd, isn't it?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Dr Jennifer Clark

Satan is a Socialist

The great debate is on...  Which one is the real socialist?  Is our country headed towards socialism?  Exactly what is it?  A lot of people have an idea of what socialism is but do they really know?  Before making any opinions try to find out what is the real truth before forming an opinion.  


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Why We Call America

The Melting Pot

There once was a land 
so very far away
where my parents came from.
Why did they come?
America was... The Land of Opportunity!

Where dreams come true
and freedom rings
and where government did not control you.
Where you could pray to God...

The Mexicans...
The Chinese...
The Indians...
The Irish...
The Italians...
From South America...
From Asia...
From Europe...
From Africa...
From the Middle East...
A Place to Call Home
But the children didn't know
why their parents came...
But now the tears flow freely  
because these children 
want to live in a land 
where they are no longer free.   

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Well...  we will know sometime soon who we have voted in to lead America...  Will it be to a conservative way of living or a whole new world?  Do we want to become socialist?  If so, all true socialists should give up their wealth...  Or are you hypocrites?  Keeping your money for yourself?  

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Lawrence W Reed

Was Jesus a Socialist?

I met someone that thought that Jesus was a socialist...  Was he?  He helped the poor...  He asked us to help the poor...  But some people help the poor by giving handouts...  By enabling...  But others help the poor by finding them a job and giving them back their dignity...  Not enabling them to stay home and smoke marijuana all day long...  Puff...  Puff...  Puff...

Monday, November 2, 2020



"So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

Hmmm...  Doesn't this make you ponder?  Are you on fire for God or are you ho hum?  And if you are ho hum how much is that going to cost you in the long run?  Could it cost you your eternity?  Make sure you figure this out before it's too late...