Monday, July 29, 2024

Michael Kruger

Surviving Religion 101

Do you believe in God?  You used to...  Why not?  Why is it that if you grow up in a Christian home, some stay steadfast and some fall away?  What are the consequences of this decision?  Do you believe in a heaven and hell?  You can't have one without the other...

Your decision may cost you your soul!


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ken Ham

Will They Stand

This is a book that I heard about recently...  If you are a Christian parent then this is a book that you will want to read...  Especially in light of the way our culture has gone...  It's as if Pandora's box has been opened wide...


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

C S Lewis

Mere Christianity

What are the seven deadly sins? 


And Pride...  See what observations C S Lewis had on the topic of pride...  This may be the difference between the disciples and the pharisees...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Karen Kingsbury

Ever After

If you're a Patriot or have family in the military then this is a love story that you will want to read:  It is really about two love stories...  One about an older couple with all the twists and turns they had to go through to finally get it together and the other is about a younger couple just beginning to fall in love not realizing that the future holds unwanted twists and turns of its own...  


Monday, July 1, 2024


Declaration of Independence

"When in the course of human events..."  

The United States of America came at a cost, a very bloody cost...  These soldiers were not wimps but heroes and laid down their lives for what they believed in...  How they would lament at what is happening to this nation.