Love Without Limits
What is real love like? I'll bet you'd like to know, what with all the divorcing going around these days. Some people think that love is being selfish. It's not. Love is being selfless. Also true love is not about passion. Passion without love is being selfish. There are differences between eros, agape and philia. Love is caring for someone more than you love yourself. Nick Vujicic with his wife Kanae tell the story of how they fell in love in their book, Love Without Limits.
I love reading love stories. It's always interesting to me to find out how people meet each other. Each story is unique and timeless. I have some love stories of my own: Some not with happy endings but you do learn from each relationship you experience. I guess it's true that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I do feel that I've become stronger as a result.