Monday, June 29, 2015

A Poetic Love Story

Two Ships Passing

Boy sees girl.
Girl notices boy.
Boy wants to meet girl.
Girl is oblivious.
Boy meets girl.
Girl is still oblivious.
Boy is funny.
Girl laughs.
Boy is oblivious.
Girl notices boy is funny.
Boy and girl share a moment.
Girl has to go.
Boy is looking at other girls.
Girl is wondering if boy met someone else.
Boy is doing his own thing.  
Girl is wondering what the boy is thinking.
Boy is still oblivious.
Girl sends boy an email.
Boy never responds.
Girl is thinking there must be other boys out there who are not oblivious.
Boy is so totally oblivious.
Girl is thinking of meeting a cowboy instead.
Boy has no idea.
Girl begins playing the field.
And so...
Two ships pass each other oblivious...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

My friends and I talk about this often.  Why is it that guys act like they are interested in you and then never contact you?  Or better yet, they hover and share your space yet never talk to you?  Or the guys that talk to you but then end up walking into a wall?  Guys are very hard to figure out sometime!