Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Grinchy Grinch

The Green Wall

Sometimes you want to go 
where people make you better...

But then you find out that
that's really not what matters.

What matters most?
People or the green stuff?

Obviously to many
the green stuff does.

But not so others  
who have found the real secret.

That having more
is really having less...

Because what's inside
is what matters most.  

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Do we really live in a world where money makes the world go round?  Or do we live in a world where what really matters are people and what's inside of them?  I see people struggling to make ends meet and then there are people that throw money around like it grows on trees.  Sometimes you feel saddened to hear about places that don't seem to care that you have a family and that you want to spend time with them.  What was the lesson the "Grinchy Grinch" learned?  Do you have heart or don't you?