Monday, February 8, 2016

Been There Done That

One Slow Wink

when you least expect it
you meet someone
out there

A flirt!
A gentleman...
A man of the world...
A friend...
My friend!

you spend time with
sharing stories
and what ifs...

Until one day it's time to part
as friends...
With fond remembrance.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

There are times in my life when I feel that God is truly watching out for me because it seems that sometimes in my most bleakest moments, God sends me someone to help me through the trying times.  I remember meeting someone while I was dealing with one of my worst bosses ever and he made a world of difference to me.  He shifted my focus from my horrible boss to having one of the best times in my life.  There are some people you meet in life that you are truly glad you got to know better.  So cheers to you!