Saturday, May 7, 2016

Identity Crisis! I Don't Know Who I Am!

Be Yourself!

We live in an age
so technologically advanced,
where we can change
we want to change.

We do so for beauty
and for the fountain of youth
but sometimes
we change something
more drastic.

Do you not like
your eye color?
Your skin color?
Your gender?
Your genes?

Is it because
of peer pressure
or is it because
you don't like

You were uniquely designed
from anyone else
 to be who
you were
meant to be.

So be kind
to yourself!
Like yourself!
Love yourself!
And in turn love others!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Self-hatred can make you do all sorts of things like mutilating yourself and thinking you deserve to be treated a certain way.  Find the truth and the truth will set you free.