Friday, December 30, 2016

Desperate People

You Know

Desperate people,
lonely people,
so alone
amidst a crowd.

Do you see me?
Do you care?
You think
as you slowly
gaze around.

What can you do?
To not be so needy?
To not drive people away?
You need to become
the person that is not.

Not needy.
Not desperate.
Not irritating
to the core.

You will become
someone people
want to have around.
And spend time with.
Just because...

@JoSH Popcorn Poetry

Deep inside, you know who you are.  Introverts tend to not need people around all the time.  But extroverts tend to need people most of the time.  Remember the truth about cats and dogs?  Some people are more like cats and other people are more like dogs.  I have to admit that I am more of a cat person when it comes to temperament and so for the most part are the friends I tend to hang out with.