Celebrity Noise Network
Ace reporter
reporting the news,
but without
making the news
a reporting
of his own views,
along the way.
You expect this
from a comedienne
but not from
who should have
You hope.
@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry
Sometimes you wonder about the way television news reporting has evolved. Over the years some news sources that you once highly respected, you now wonder about when they report the news because political opinions are pretty obvious. There are many platforms in which you can air your opinions but if you're reporting the news then be fair and report the facts and tell the whole truth and not just a part that would take something out of context that was not meant to be taken that way. For instance, lately there has been all this controversy over the travel ban. This travel ban was not permanent but for like thirty or forty days. Think of all the trouble that was taken to stop this when it was for a short time and at this point would have expired on its own. Was it possible that the government knew about a security threat to our nation and wanted to keep us safe? A lot of energy and anger is being directed at something that is going to be a blip in our nation's history. Really? See how adding a time frame totally changes the context of what is going on?