The Predator
I see you...
You see me...
I feel
an undercurrent
of fear.
You want
what you
can't have.
You force
selfish desires.
I ignore you.
I see past you.
I act as if
I don't
see you.
I know
by my
gut instinct
the evil
within you.
Are you
a bully?
Who do
you think
you are?
@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry
Unfortunately there are people out there that are either clueless or have no idea what boundaries are. A guy walked past me muttering that he couldn't believe that I was so stupid that I didn't know that I was being hit on. I was thinking I wouldn't date you if you were the last man on earth. There are guys that think they are studs because they have slept with so many women. You know what the difference is between a prostitute and a whore? Usually a prostitute has no choice but a whore does. A predator is more into quantity than quality. All women are at risk that are in close proximity to one either through work, etc. And it works both ways because some women are predators too.