Thursday, July 20, 2017


Onion Layers

Like an onion
we have layers
that need
to be
peeled back.

if there
is anything
that has happened
and was never dealt with
then it will
come out.

in ways
that you never
knew imaginable.
It will come out.

So peel away
a layer
one layer
at a time
to heal
and grow
and become...

Whole again!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Don't live a life of being fake and less than...  Be genuine...  Sometimes the only way to become genuine and healthy is to go deep inside and uncover what you never wanted to remember or go back to.  Unless you deal with what's inside you will always be running.  Do yourself a favor and don't run!  Peel and become whole again.