Wednesday, January 24, 2018


What God Wants...

Day in and day out...
we pass people...
people we know,
people we don't.

People we like,
people we don't.
People we think we know
until we realize we don't.

We lament...
we curse...
we hate...
we hurt...

can we forgive?
What does God want?
God wants to redeem.

Your will,
not ours.
Very hard
to do...

The willingness
to want
for someone
who we feel
doesn't deserve it.
Not one iota.
But yet...

What God Wants!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Do you ever lament over some of the people you know.  The ones that you think are evil or horrible people?  People you feel don't deserve forgiveness?  Forgiveness is hard:  So hard...  Can you do it?  Remember that forgiveness is releasing that person to God but if that person has hurt you and caused you harm you don't have to have a relationship with them.  Forgiveness is for you to let go but it doesn't mean to be foolish.