Sunday, December 30, 2018

Life Intersections

The People Puzzle

At different points
in our life...
we intersect
with other people.

For what reason?
Every reason has a purpose...

One day a stranger
becomes a friend...
And friends become family...
For better or worse.

A pastor,
A criminal,

Different people
weaving in and out
of the puzzle
we call our life.

One person's sacrifice
results in another's salvation.
Why give up your life
for another?

Unless you believe
in something greater
than yourself?
Do you believe?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Do you like to people watch?  What do you say to the stranger you see on the bus?  Or the stranger you see at the mall?  The people you work with?  The people you live with?  Life is not a coincidence and we meet the people we meet and live the life we live.  But is there an underlying purpose?