Monday, May 13, 2019

The Time is Coming...

A Very Very Dark Day

I see people
passing by...
Some happy,
some sad,
but most oblivious...
to the happenings
on this earth.
Sure they know
what they're told
but what about
what they're not told?
We live in a world
that believes that lying
is a most valuable skill
but is it really?
What happened to
good old-fashioned values?
Purity, kindness,
honesty, and truth?
Have those gone
by the wayside
while everything
is going to utter ruin?
Why?  Because...
We live in a world
with cruel intentions...
People who can't stand
honesty and truth
because they left those values
far behind
a long, long time ago.
We can't have what you have
so we want you to be
where we are,
stuck in utter misery.
Join us!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

The thing is that PEOPLE CAN CHANGE...  People have the capacity to change and to wipe the slate clean...  No one has to remain where they are however it's your decision to choose.  You can choose to value honesty or you can choose to lie.  However there are consequences to your choices.  Consequences that involve eternity.