Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dirty Rotten Scroundrels

Wolves in Disguise

Be wary of wolves
that come
in sheep's clothing...
They may come
as the nicest guys
in the world
but watch for the signs:

A guy worth having
doesn't have to
lie about himself.
He just is...
Don't let yourself settle...
You're worth more than you know...
And be strong in yourself
and your identity... 
Don't let a hidden wolf
define who you are...
because he lives
in a world of make-believe... 
You either join his fantasy
or you give him the boot!
Personally I would
just kick him to the curb!
With the biggest pair
of boots you own...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Some guys just like to say anything...  Some gals too...  Be discerning and wise...  Trust your gut instinct...  Don't let yourself get into a bind that you won't easily get out of.  Always be cautious and take things slow...  There are guys and gals out there who are desperate...  Always be wary of a guy that wants to marry you too soon...  It is not a good sign...  Desperation reeks of wolves in disguise...