Friday, January 10, 2020

The Remnant

Followers of the Way

Where is the way?
I'm looking for the way...
People here...
People there...
All working
one common goal...

they think
that they are alone.
The only ones
that care...
However there are
more than they know...

Working towards
the same common goal...
Oh no...
They are not alone...
Not by a long shot...
Take courage...
Never fear...

What to do?
Join forces...
Connect the dots...
Find each other...
Join hands...
Fear not!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Do you know the story of Nehemiah?  What happened to him?  What did they learn?  Don't ever give up hope...  Hope exists for a reason...  Just take baby steps...  Sometimes that's all that you can do...  One baby step at a time...  Just one baby step...