Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Artist

& His Beloved Creation

There once was
an artist who created 
the earth in six days
and rested on the seventh.

He looked 
at everything 
he created 
and saw that it was good. 

However his creation
began to go awry.
And he destroyed his creation
in a flood.

An artist creates
and an artist destroys
because without the artist
the creation is nothing.


The artist 
is the one that gives life
to the creation.
Without the artist 
the creation is nothing.

Do what you want
and go your own way
but in the end
you will be kept or you will be destroyed
in an everlasting lake of fire.

@JoSH Popcorn Poet

Whether you realize it or not we really are nothing without The Artist:  The Ultimate Creator.  He designed us and gave us a rulebook to follow.  Perhaps you threw yours away?  In the end the ultimate showdown is between the creator and his creation...  Do what you want...  It's between you and the artist...  And I'm pretty sure who is going to have his way...  in the end...  There will be consequences for living the life you chose...  Love who you love and do what you want...  But there may come a time when you will be filled with regret...  Regret that will last an eternity...