Tuesday, February 20, 2024

To My Stalker Times Three

Your Delusional Mind

I met you on the rebound
and believed 
your lies 
about the person 
you said you were...

But emotionally intelligent
you were not...
Because if you had been
you would have realized 
how I truly felt about you...

The fear inside my head.
The hives breaking out on my skin.
How I felt myself cringing on the inside...
Having to deal with your idiopathic mind 
living your own deranged fantasy. 
When you proposed to me, 
I laughed...
You had no idea obviously
about the men I'd known in my lifetime.  
Men that I liked...
Men that I respected...
Men that I actually enjoyed 
spending time with...
Intellectually stimulating...
Funny to boot...

Instead you for some reason 
wanted to marry me 
out of loneliness 
when we obviously 
had nothing in common. 

Even when you knew 
you had a cheating idiot stick
attached to your body.  
When your ideas of intimacy 
ran towards the perverse.  

The things you told me 
about your previous relationships 
and how you mimed 
what you wanted 
and talked like a deviant.

We took dance lessons
and you lied to the instructor.
That's when I knew...
You lie...
You cheat...
You steal...
Because deep inside 
you don't want to 
appear a loser...
But that is what you truly are...

Your life is inside your head.
Your sad, pathetic life...
Because you live a life of lies...
You smoke, you drink, you do drugs...
Thinking how cool are you?
You didn't realize 
that by showing me 
your true self...

Was the reason I ghosted you!


You, my stalker, are a complete nightmare!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Have you ever met a wolf in sheep's clothing?  He appears to be something he is not...  But little by little he shows you his true colors...  Never go by appearances...  Or what comes out of his mouth...  Even when someone looks good on the outside, inside he may have a sick, sad soul speeding on the highway to hell.  Good riddance!
Think about the sexual perverts riding on subway trains exposing themselves in public...  There are whack jobs and then there are wack jobs...  Comprender?
"Knick knack paddy wack..."  
And they think that is intimacy...
I remember meeting a guy one night and while we were dancing, he acted drunk.  I kept asking him if he was drunk to which he finally replied that he hopes he meets someone like me but one not so judgmental...  And stalked off...  Smart man!  

If I respect a guy then he'll be the luckiest guy in the world, but if he has vices that I can't stand, I would be the world's most persistent nag...  Funny how some men I've known for years and are still friends with but my stalker I only knew for a few weeks... months...  at most...  yet his delusional mind persists...  he was even stalking me after I had been dating someone for almost three years... Why?  What is wrong with him?

Never underestimate me...  I was told that I could have run for homecoming queen at my Alma Mater but I didn't...  My values are not values that the world values...