Sunday, March 12, 2017

March Winds

Windy Path of Life

Whirling leaves
scatter all around
like our lives
as we flit
to an fro
on a whim,
an irony,
a matter of fact.
Breezes blow
our scarves dance.
Our lives play out
every day
with happenings.
Strong winds,
gentle breezes.
Some good,
some bad,
some mundane,
and every once
in a while
like a tornado.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poet

Remember Mary Poppins?  She just shows up as if flying upon a wind.  Our lives play out everyday and every minute of every day.  What do you think of the choices you make?  We get thrown the good, the bad, and the ugly and we have to cope, go through it, deal with it.  How are you doing?  Is your life going well?  Hang in there!  Experience joy and sorrow, relaxation and pain, happiness and sadness, anger and calm...  You are alive...  Let God be God and learn to trust and believe.  Have faith...