Sunday, March 26, 2017

North & South

The Great Divide

A mighty nation
before our very eyes
as the world watches on
and waits
for the inevitable
to happen.

For a nation
won't stand
very long.

The media
only making
the problem
by showing examples
of strife and discord
instead of a united front.

Political parties
butting heads
amongst our nation.
Are we not
one county?
United we stand,
divided we fall.

One day
we all
fall down.
Just like
in days gone by.
Brother against brother...
Father against son...

Are you a sore loser
or are you
going to rise above?
Do you care
that our nation
is going down the drain
and that you are
making it happen?
Letting it happen?

United we stand,
divided we fall.
Are you not my brother?
Are you not my friend?
Will you kill your mother?
Simply because your
political party didn't win?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

One wonders in this day and age if people realize what is at stake?  Are we airing out dirty laundry for all the world to see?  When other countries see us what do they think?  What must they think of us?  One nation under God?  How can a brother hate another brother over politics and religion?  Would you not lay down your life for someone you love?  But yet you can hate them for what they believe in? 

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and the if it wasn't for him, slavery would still exist.  Would you rather that we lived in a land where slavery did exist?  I am not a political person and I have no formal political ties but yet even I can see what this is doing to our country.  Would your rather that our enemies come in and take our country over?  Do you realize what a privilege it is to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave?  Do you even realize what we have that other countries do not?  This country is by no means perfect but there is a lot that we take for granted...

United We Stand, Divided We Fall...  And We All Fall Down... 
United We Stand, Divided We Fall...  And We All Fall Down...  
United We Stand, Divided We Fall...  And We All Fall Down...