Do You See Me?
Here I sit
watching you
watching me...
With sad eyes...
You think
I don't understand
or know
what's going on
because my body
doesn't want to
cooperate with
what I want
it to do.
I speak
but my words
come out garbled
and my actions
are choppy
and abrupt.
I can't make you see me.
I can't make you hear me.
I can't make you understand me.
Please see me.
Please hear me.
Please understand me.
You know me...
See Me!
@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry
The aging process is not an easy one to experience and some age better than others and some age worse. Some of the aging population experience conditions that make it difficult to move and speak: Things that many of us take for granted. If you are an independent person then you find yourself having to depend on others to do what you can't do for yourself anymore. Learn to empathize because one day that person may be you.