Saturday, March 31, 2018

Silver Sneakers

Sneaky Seniors...  Shhh...

The things you do
when no one's looking.
The life you've led...
The life you lead...
You've been through the best.
You've been through the worst.
But when you get
that faraway gleam...
in your eye...
it's because...
you know you laughed,
you danced the night away,
you fell in love with your sweetheart,
and you've lost some loves
which broke your heart.
Life didn't batter you down.
You became a better you.  
You're still You despite
what life has thrown at you.
Believe in You
because you're still You!
And that's your secret...
And no one can take that away...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Age makes you better not worse.  In Asian countries, your elders are the wise ones.  Everyone has a story and believe you me, the Seniors you know have some stories to tell you if you would only listen.  They've led extraordinary and colorful lives and it's always a treat to spend time with them.  It's like reading a favorite book come to life.  Plus you just might learn something worthwhile...