Nathan's Warning
The king was restless
and walked about the rooftops...
Spying a woman bathing
he sent for her...
When it became
known that a baby was coming
he sent her husband
into battle to be killed
and took this man's wife
to be his wife but then the baby died.
God was displeased
and sent a prophet
to warn the king of his wrongdoing.
The king repented
but was duly warned
of the curse upon his children:
A son would rape a daughter...
A son would kill his brother...
God forgives a repentant sinner
but the consequences will still be there.
Be duly warned that sin does not go unpunished.
@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry
Christians sin just like other people but if they repent God forgives them but they still have to face the consequences of their actions. David and Bathsheba's baby died. And David's children were cursed for the sins of their father. If you would rather have blessings than curses then err on the side of caution and avoid temptation.