Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Do they know what they are doing?

Fields in the West

A phone call here...
A phone call there...
Playing phone tag
all week long...
a connection...
Then an email...
And an investigation...
Still waiting...
And waiting still...
Am I being given
the runaround
or is the end result
going to be
the right result?
You always
expect the best
of a ray of sunshine
but what if the ray
is one of impending doom?

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Ever have a customer service nightmare?  When the people who are supposed to do the right thing are actually giving you the runaround?  I have been in different situations throughout my lifetime but you know the difference between good customer service and bad customer service...  I have never heard of an insurance company that did not thank you for submitting information to them or for cooperating in an investigation.  And at the very least you expect them to do the right thing even when their client is doing a very bad thing.  Hmmm...  waiting...  waiting still...