Monday, September 17, 2018

Friends Are Like Flowers

Chasing Sunflowers

An autumn day beckons
with a brightly shining sun... 

The friendly four
set out towards tall cornfields
and hungry jersey cows
only to encounter
a field of vast sunflowers
leaning to and fro
just as the evening sunset wanes.

This sunny display
reaches deep into the soul
awakening a thirst for
nature's beauty.

The friends
smile at each other
sharing in the moment.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Over the years I have come across friends who I consider to be kindred spirits.  I am so thankful for each and every one:  Friends who make me laugh and listen when I cry...  Friends who are there during sorrow and troubled times...  Friends who want what's best for me...  Friends who I can be myself with and who like me just as I am...  Friends who can enjoy the simple things that life has to offer...  like chasing sunflowers...  :)